Thursday, October 27, 2011

Why do we yawn in Ramadaan when the devils have been chained up? And is the transmission of television pictures haraam?


It is well known that the devils are chained up in Ramadaan and that yawning comes from the Shaytaan, so why do we yawn in Ramadaan? 

And it is known that making images of human beings is haraam, so is the transmission of television pictures regarded as haraam?.

Praise be to Allaah.


Al-Bukhaari (6226) and Muslim (2994) narrated from Abu
Hurayrah (may Allaah be pleased with him) that the Prophet (peace and
blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: “Allaah likes sneezing and dislikes
yawning, so if one of you sneezes and praises Allaah (by saying Al-hamdu
Lillaah), it is a duty upon every Muslim who hears him to say to him,
Yarhamuk Allaah (may Allaah have mercy on you). With regard to yawning,
it is from the Shaytaan so if one of you feels like yawning, let him
suppress it as much as he can, for if one of you yawns the Shaytaan laughs
at him. 

Concerning the meaning of
that, it was said that the Shaytaan likes to see a person yawning because it
makes him look different and so he laughs at him. It does not mean that the
Shaytaan is the one who makes him yawn. And it was said that yawning is
attributed to the Shaytaan because yawning comes from fullness of the
stomach, which generates laziness, which happens under the influence of the
Shaytaan. Al-Nawawi (may Allaah have mercy on him) said: Yawning is
attributed to the Shaytaan because it promotes whims and desires, because it
stems from heaviness of the body, excessive relaxation and fullness of the
stomach. So what is meant is a warning against the thing that leads to that,
which is eating too much.  

Al-Manaawi (may Allaah have mercy on him) said: It is
attributed to him because he is the one who calls for giving the self its
share of desires. What is meant here is to warn against the things that lead
to that, which is eating too much and eating one's fill, which makes the
body feel too heavy and tired to do acts of worship.  

There should be no confusion stemming from the fact that
people yawn during Ramadaan even though the devils are chained up at that
time, because what is meant by saying that it is from the Shaytaan is that
he likes it. The fact that he likes it and approves of it does not mean that
he is not chained, rather that could happen even if he was chained. 

Based on the view that this is caused by the influence of the
Shaytaan, either directly or indirectly, it was said that the ones who are
chained up during Ramadaan are the maarids among the devils (i.e., the
strong evil ones) only, and that others remain as they are, so yawning may
be caused by those who are not chained up. 

But based on the view that what is meant by the chaining up
of the devils is that their influence on the believers is less during that
month than in other months, perhaps yawning results from the little
influence that they are still able to have during Ramadaan. 

For more information on the chaining of the devils during
Ramadaan please see question no. 39736. See question no.
37965 to find out
the answer to the question: How can sins happen in Ramadaan when the devils
are chained up? 

With regard to the ruling on the transmission of television
pictures, you will find the answer in question no.

Working in the area of film production, including videos of weddings, and the ruling on renting out videos


I have only 2 questions for you and both are belongs to my brothers, First question is that my younger brother he works on computers and he does Non-Linear editing of videos and he works for a company who does Corporate and Wedding videos and he creates Dvds of those videos, my question is that does his income is Halal as per he works on videos. Secondly is that my elder brother wants to open a Video renting store, does this business is OK, please clearify all those matters with your views, I will be really grateful to you in this regars.

Praise be to Allaah.

Making pictures with videos is permissible in some cases and
haraam in others. If pictures are made of natural things like mountains,
trees and rivers, then it is permissible, but if pictures are made of women,
mixed wedding parties and songs then it is haraam. As that is the case, it
is haraam for the one who makes the video, the one who produces the film and
prepares it for distribution, the one who sells it and the one who buys it. 

In the wedding party the wife is wearing her full adornment,
and so are the women who attend the party. It is haraam for non-mahram men
to look at them, whether they look at them directly or via pictures or
films. The mixing which happens in some parties is also haraam, and is an
evil which must be denounced, so how can it be permissible to make pictures
of that so that those who missed the party can see them? The same may be
said of other haraam things which happen in wedding parties, such as dancing
and music. 

Shaykh ‘Abd al-‘Azeez ibn Baaz (may Allaah have mercy on him)

Among the evil things
which people have introduced in modern times is setting up a platform for
the groom among the women, where her husband sits with her among the women
who are unveiled and fully adorned. Other men from among his relatives and
hers may also be present. Those who have sound common sense and a sense of
protective jealousy towards their religion will clearly see the great evil
that is involved in that and the evil consequences of allowing non-mahram
men to see women in their adornment. It is essential to put a stop to such
things so as to block the means that lead to fitnah, and to protect women’s
gatherings from things that go against sharee’ah. 

Al-Rasaa’il wa’l-Ajwabah al-Nisaa’iyyah,
p. 44 

In the answer to question no.
10791 it says: 

Among the evils that take place in celebrations is taking
pictures of women. This is haraam whether the pictures are taken by video or
with a camera, but using video is worse and more sinful. 

In the answer to question no.
32752 it says: 

If audio-video tapes are free of anything haraam, then it is
permissible to listen to them, watch them, sell them and buy them. What is
meant by haraam is if they include any obscenity, immorality, music,
pictures of unveiled women, or if they include kufr and innovation, except
in cases where the intention is to refute such notions and the speaker is
qualified to do that. 

You may refer to these two answers for the evidence and
scholarly fatwas. 

Thus the answer to your question is clear, which is that it
is haraam to help in producing such DVDs that contain haraam material, such
as what happens in those wedding parties. But this work is permissible if it
has to do with the work of companies that do not deal in such evil things
and there is nothing wrong in their advertisements such as women wearing
adornment, music and singing, and the goods that they sell or make are not

The same may be said concerning the ruling on renting out
video tapes. The matter is discussed in detail in the answer to question no.

We ask Allaah to make it easy for you to find halaal work
from which you may eat halaal food and not incur the wrath of your Lord. We
advise you to fear Allaah and be patient, for the consequences for those who
are pious and patient will be good. Give up this work and seek Allaah’s help
in looking for work that is halaal. 

And Allaah knows best.

Practice Islam and do quran reading and spread the word of truth 


Benefits for the students when they learn holy Quran through the Quranic Students the kids get wiser when the student start Quran reading from there childhood and gain the Our beloved Prophet Muhammad (saww) said: Who ever read Quran before becoming a Baaligh has indeed been given wisdom as a child. The quran teaching is one of the best intellectual treasures that a student can have. And we should guide our kids to learn quran Our Prophet Muhammad (saww) said: The holy Quran is a wealth with which there is no poverty, and without which there is no wealth. So quran tutor should let the student do quran memorization and pay attention to the main lesson of the quran wile reading quran or become a Quran reciter with its depth knowledge to shine in the whole world  now a day many online institutes who teach kids quran online and give them tajweed quran lessons to improve the kids quran recitation online and let then learn quran online with proper manner and following and learn quranic Arabic with the translation and then learn quran tafseer also so the student can feel the main them and get the true guidance

End of the note by quran education

Ruling on taking pictures of natural scenes and those that include animate beings


What is the ruling on taking pictures of the natural views using a digital camera in order to save them on the computer? What is the ruling if the scene I want to take a picture of includes birds or animals?.

Praise be to Allaah.


Taking pictures of natural scenes, such as trees, oceans and
mountains, is permissible even if they are drawn by hand. No difference of
opinion is known among the scholars concerning the permissibility of that,
apart from what was narrated from Mujaahid ibn Jabr concerning the
prohibition on making pictures of fruit bearing trees, but not non-fruit
bearing trees. Al-Qaadi Ayaad said: No one said this except for Mujaahid. 

The majority quoted a number of things as evidence for this
permissibility, including the following: 


It was narrated from Ibn ‘Abbaas that the Prophet (blessings
and peace of Allaah be upon him) said: “Whoever makes an image in this world
will be commanded to breathe the soul into it on the Day of Resurrection,
and he will not be able to do that.” Narrated by al-Bukhaari (5618) and
Muslim (2110). 


It was narrated from Ibn ‘Abbaas (may Allaah be pleased with
him) that a man came to him and said: O Ibn ‘Abbaas, I am a man who earns a
living from what my hands make, and I make these images. Ibn ‘Abbaas said: I
will not tell you anything except that which I heard from the Messenger of
Allaah (blessings and peace of Allaah be upon him). I heard him say:
“Whoever makes an image in this world, Allaah will punish him until he
breathes the soul into it, and he will never be able to do that.” The man
was very afraid and his face turned yellow. He [Ibn ‘Abbaas] said: Woe to
you! If you must do that, then (make images of) these trees and everything
that has no soul. Narrated by al-Bukhaari (2225) and Muslim (2110). 


It was narrated from Abu Hurayrah (may Allaah be pleased with
him) that Jibreel (peace be upon him) said to the Prophet (blessings and
peace of Allaah be upon him): “Tell someone to cut off the head of the
statue so that it will be like a tree.” Narrated by al-Tirmidhi (2806), Abu
Dawood (4158); classed as saheeh by Shaykh al-Albaani in Saheeh
al-Targheeb (3060). 

This indicates that it is permissible to make an image of a

If this permissibility has to do with drawing by hand, then
it is more likely that that which is transferred onto paper or onto a
computer by means of a camera is also permissible. 

With regard to taking pictures with a digital camera of
animate beings in order to keep them on the computer, we have discussed that
in the answer to question number

And Allaah knows best.

Following note from Muslim Quran online Blog 

The first lesson to be learned by all Muslims is the importance of the Reading Quran Online. All Muslim should learn holy Quran online  is the Book of Allah All mighty. Every word which the quran reciter recites or he read quran is the word of Allah it is mentioned in Quran in Arabic that it is the guidance which has come from Allah. That is why we as Muslim say it is the Holy Book. We should  learn quran and focus on quran teaching thought by the quran tutor to the students and the tutor should arrange the kids quran lessons in such an easy manner so they can understand it easily and make there quran recitation online as beautiful as he could and teach them that the words of Koran were sent by Allah to our beloved Prophet Muhammad (SAWW) through the angel Jibraeel. And further more elaborate wile reading quran with teaching them the quran tafseer and the tajweed quran with its rules let then do quran memorization in the proper manner We as Muslim should respect the teachings of Quran and in every other manner when we are reading it or when we listen to Quran  wake up Muslims and spread the word of Islam to

End of the note by quran education


Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Tawbah (repentance) from homosexuality


What is required of the man who repents homosexuality?

It is obligatory on both of them - the active and the passive partners - to repent to Allah
urgently, passionately and sincerely for no worse combination of punishments was sent by
Allah as the ones in the case of the people of Lut (asws), who used to commit this filthy
crime. The combination of punishments was as follows:

They were blinded and left groping, as Allah said, “fa-tamasna a’yoonahum” (i.e.,
blinded them).
A thunderous cry (tore their hearts) (al-sayha)
Their homes were turned upside down.
Allah rained upon them a storm of stones of baked clay prepared specifically for them
and destroyed them completely.

Accordingly the punishment if Islam for sodomy is death whether the two involved are
married or unmarried. Said the Prophet
(peace be upon him): “Whomsoever you
find committing the act, kill them: both the active and the passive partners.” (Abu Dawood,
Tirmidhi, and Ibn Majah, authenticated sahih by al-Albani, Arwaa’ ul-Ghaleel 2350)

From learning Quran online Blog 

To all Muslim we should listen to Quran  and try to  learn Quran online  with translation  to understand the holy scripture and it is must for us to read Quran online, and availing the knowledge through learning Arabic Quran this is the main deauty that we have to promote and learn holy quran so that the true words of Allah should be spread we should  try  to learn quran tafseer the translation as well so we could explain and understand that what ever te quran tutor teaches more articles can be found under learning Quran online Blog a recourse full collection of hadith bukhari shrif and a read  Quran online or you can listen holy Quran recitation for top quran reciters and you can find Quran for kids and quran teaching staff online to learn quran from where ever you want to learn the teaching of Koran and they provide tajweed quran lessons and Quran memorization classes well plz link to it and share it to promote the teachings of islam

End from free Download quran blog


Tawbah (repentance) from fornication and what is the status of a child


There is another problem that has been worrying me for some
time—namely, I committed fornication with a woman. How do I repent.
Can I marry her in order to cover up the whole affair?

Another man says he committed fornication outside his country, and he
knows that the woman conceived and delivered a child. Is this his child?
And is itobligatory for him to bear the costs of the child’s upbringing?

Questions of this sort are asked so often and by so many that it is time Muslims paid serious
attention to their reformation in the light of the Qur’an and Sunnah, in order that such things
do not occur in the first place. Special stress is to be placed on the lowering of the gaze, no
bodily contact (including shaking hands) between men and women, wearing of the full hijab,
prohibition of meetings in secrecy in particular and of mixing of sexes in general,
discouraging unwarranted travel to non-Muslim countries, and early marriages. As for the
question about one who committed fornication, there can be two situations.

Either the man did it by force, that is, raped the woman. Such a man should pay her the
amount of mahr (dower) in accordance with her social class, as compensation for
what harm he caused her. As for himself, he should sincerely repent. And, if the matter
has reached the authorities, then he should be punished according to the law of
shari’ah. See Madarij 1/366.
Or, he has he had sex with a woman who consented to the act. There is nothing due
from such a man except repentance. Neither the child is his, nor is the cost of
upbringing born by him because it is an illegal child and must be attached to the mother
and not the father.

The man’s marriage to the woman, for the sake of covering up the issue, is also not
permissible. For Allah revealed in the Qur’an a verse whose meaning can be translated as:
“An adulterer does not marry but an adulteress or mushrika (polytheist). And an adulteress
does not marry but an adulterer or mushrik (polytheist). (Al-Noor:3)

It is also not permissible to marry a woman who is pregnant from an adulterous act, even if
the man has fathered the baby in the womb, as it is also not pemissible to marry a woman
about whom it is not known if she is pregnant or not.

Nonetheless, if he repents, and she also repents, and she is proved to be not carrying a
child, then it is permissible that he marry her and begin a new life. If she is carrying a child,
they must wait until she delivers birth.

Read quran its is the Word of Allah the sign of guidance

Reading quran and exploring it is the true duty of a Muslim because it contains Allah’s message to all people and the quran teaching tells the people that how to act correctly. By learning quran you will find that it guides us to a correct way of life in this world. We as a practicing Muslim should teach our kids quran and let the kids learn quran recitation and do quran memorization and we also do quran memorization by heart and there is an other importing thing that learn quran with tajweed because the tajweed rules are very important regarding the pronunciation and way or read the holy quran and further more enhancing the quranic studies by learning quran tafseer and reading quran the translation with it listening to quran online with the quran recitation don by some of the top reciter also. It is the Book of Allah also talks about life after death. It tells us that Allah has prepared Paradise for good people and Hell for bad people. Wile reading Quran we see that it encourages the worship of only one God Who creates and provides for them. The Book forbids people from evil and condemns those who do wrong. It contains stories of the past Prophets and the examples of bad and good people. Find online quran courses 

Is zinaa intercourse only?


I need further information about the verse
interpreted here about adultery. Adultery, according to the Hudood I read, require
penetration. Is that true of Islamic law?
Are married persons, or single for that case, indulging in immoral acts
that do not include penetration (but maybe oral sex), exempted from this punishment?
Secondly, is there a forgiveness for adultery? Or for what I inquired in
my previous question.
I'd be greatly obliged to recieve an answer, because this issue has
confused me for a long time.

Praise be to Allaah.

Zinaa, in Arabic, means immorality, and is used with two meanings
in shar’: a general meaning and a specific meaning.

The general meaning includes that which carries
the punishment (hadd) and that which does not carry it. Islam does not give
the name of zinaa only to that which carries the punishment, which is just one
of many types of zinaa. Ibn ‘Abbaas (may Allaah be pleased with them both)
said: “I have never heard any better definition of ‘small faults’
[al-Najm 53:32] than that which Abu Hurayrah (may Allaah be pleased with him)
narrated from the Prophet (peace and blessings
of Allaah be upon him): ‘Allaah has decreed for every son of Adam his share
of zinaa, and there is no way to escape from it. The zinaa of the eye is a glance,
the zinaa of the tongue is speaking, and the zinaa of the mind is wishing and
hoping; then the private part either acts upon this or it does not.’”
(Reported by al-Bukhaari, 11/26; Muslim, 4/2046).

Al-Bukhaari included this hadeeth in a chapter entitled Baab
zinaa al-jawaarih doon al-farj (Chapter on the zinaa of faculties other
than the private part).

Al-Haafiz Ibn Hajar (may Allaah have mercy on him) said: “Zinaa
is not always associated with the private part itself, but may involve other
faculties such as the eyes and so on.” Ibn Battaal (may Allaah have mercy
on him) said: “Looking and speaking are called zinaa because they lead
to real zinaa. This is why he said that the private part either acts upon this
or it does not”

Zinaa is one of the forbidden deeds, one of the most serious
major sins (kabaa’ir) after shirk and murder. Allaah says
(interpretation of the meanings):

“And those who invoke not any other god along with Allaah,
nor kill such life as Allaah has forbidden, except for just cause, nor commit
illegal sexual intercourse – and whoever does this shall receive the punishment.
The torment will be doubled to him on the Day of Resurrection, and he will abide
therein in disgrace; except those who repent and believe and do righteous deeds,
for those Allaah will change their sins into good deeds, and Allaah is Oft-Forgiving,
Most Merciful.” [al-Furqaan 25:68-70]

“And come not near to unlawful sexual intercourse. Verily,
it is a faahishah [anything that transgresses its limits – a great sin],
and an evil way (that leads one to Hell unless Allaah forgives him).” [al-Isra’

Imaam al-Qurtubi (may Allaah have mercy on him) said: “The
‘ulama’ said that the phrase And come not near to unlawful sexual
intercourse is more eloquent than merely saying ‘Do not commit zinaa’,
because the meaning is, Do not even come close to zinaa.” This means not
doing any deed that may get close to zinaa or lead to it, such as being alone
with a member of the opposite sex, touching, looking, going to evil places,
speaking in a haraam manner to a woman to whom one is not related, thinking
about and planning immoral acts, and so on.

‘Abd-Allaah ibn Mas’ood said: “I
asked the Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings
of Allaah be upon him), ‘Which sin is worst in the sight of Allaah?’
He said, ‘To make any rival to Allaah, when He has created you.’ I
asked, ‘Then what?’ He said, ‘To kill your child for fear that
he will eat with you.’ I asked, ‘Then what?’ He said, ‘To
commit zinaa with the wife of your neighbour.’” (Reported by
al-Bukhaari, 8/492; Muslim, 1/90).

All religions are agreed that zinaa is haraam; no religion
allows it. The punishment for zinaa is the most severe of punishments, because
it violates people’s honour and lineages.

The sin of zinaa may be of varying degrees,
and the gravity of the offence depends on the nature and circumstances of the
deed, although all zinaa is haraam, a major sin and an act of immorality. Zinaa
with a mahram [i.e., incest] (Allaah forbid) or with a married woman is far
worse than zinaa with a woman to whom one is not related or with an unmarried
woman, because it involves violating the rights of the husband, contaminating
his bed, attributing a child to him that is not his, and other kinds of offence
and harm. If her husband is a neighbour, the crime of being a bad neighbour
is added to the offence; if her husband is one's brother or relative, the crime
of breaking family ties is added. The Prophet (peace
and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: He will not enter Paradise whose
neighbour is not safe from his evil actions.” (Reported by Muslim,
1/68). There is no evil action worse than zinaa, and if the husband
is absent for the sake of Allaah, such as in worship, seeking knowledge or jihaad,
then the sin is compounded. Buraydah (may Allaah be pleased with him) reported
that the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah
be upon him) said: “The wives of the mujaahideen are as sacred and forbidden
to those who stay behind as their own mothers. There is no man of those who
stay behind who is entrusted by one of the mujaahideen with the care of his
family and then betrays him (by committing zinaa), but he will be detained on
the Day of Resurrection, and (the one whom he betrayed) will take as much of
his good deeds as he wishes. So what do you think?” (Reported by
Muslim, 3515). If the adulterer is married, the sin is greater, and the punishment
is stoning, and if he is an old man, the sin is greater and the punishment is
as the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be
upon him) mentioned in the hadeeth about the three whom Allaah will neither
look at nor praise on the Day of Resurrection, and who will have a painful punishment.”
(Saheeh Muslim, 156). If the deed is also committed
during a sacred month or in a sacred place or at a time which is special in
the sight of Allaah, the sin is compounded.

The fuqaha’ (may Allaah have mercy on them) stated that
the basic act of zinaa which carries the punishment is illegal sexual intercourse,
whereby the two “circumcised parts” [i.e. genitals] come together
and there is penetration of the tip of the penis, because this is actual penetration
(which carries the prescribed hadd or punishment).

A person must avoid evil deeds and everything that can lead
to them. Allaah has commanded us to avoid the traps of the Shaytaan, because
if a man takes one step in that direction, his shaytaan and his own ego (nafs)
will keep urging him to do evil until he commits immoral deeds.

One should think about how serious it is to
touch a woman to whom one is not related, as the Prophet
(peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) explained: “If one of you were
to be stabbed in the head with a piece of iron it would be better for him than
if he were to touch a woman whom it is not permissible for him to touch.”
(Reported by al-Tabaraani; see also Saheeh al-Jaami’, 5045).
This refers to the punishment for touching, so how about worse
deeds, such as embracing and kissing, and even worse kinds of illicit activity?
The Muslim qaadi is empowered to stipulate an appropriate punishment for every
proven action other than actual intercourse; in the case of intercourse, the
punishment set out by Islam is one hundred lashes and a year’s exile for
one who is unmarried, and stoning for one who is married. This is the punishment
in this world, and the punishment in the Hereafter is far more severe.

One of the important principles which the salaf (may Allaah
have mercy on them) pointed out is that the sincere believer who truly hopes
for Allaah and the Hereafter should not look at whether the sin is major or
minor, or whether is carries a punishment (hadd) or not. It was reported that
Ibn ‘Abbaas (may Allaah be pleased with them both) said: “There is
no major sin if one asks for forgiveness, and there is no minor sin if one persists
in repeating it.” Someone else said: “If you want to disobey Allaah,
do not think about the smallness of the sin, think about the greatness of the
One Whom you are disobeying.”

With regard to the matter of repentance from
zinaa, please refer to the book "I Want to Repent,
But...", …”, under the heading Books
on this website. May Allaah bless our Prophet Muhammad.


Learn Holy Quran because it will be a proof for us muslim on the Day of Judgment.

This is due to the statement of the Messenger: “And the Quran is a proof for you or against you.” [Muslim] so the deputy of every Muslim is to read quran and learn quran with tajweed so one of two things will occur with this proof, the Book of Allah. And this quran education will be in your favor, a proof for us on the Day when we will need every single good deed and learning quran along with doing quran memorization is one of it and to add more spread the quran teaching and spread the kids quran knowledge and listening to quran online and understand the quran tafseer , it will be something standing against us and follow the guidance of or prophet Muhammad peace be upon him, and these good deeds will be a proof against us! Who could be saved from the terrors of that Day if Allah’s own Speech is against him?!?! Think carefully, so reading Arabic Quran and teaching our kids quran qaida with the tafseer of quran  and let the kids memorize quran dear Muslim brother or sister, about your position with the reading Quran! Are you neglecting it, contradicting it, being heedless of its orders and prohibitions, are you thinking deeply over it?! Will it be on your side on the Day of Judgment.? So learn quran recitation! O Allah! We ask you, by Your Glorious Speech and the rest of your beautiful Names and Attributes, to make the Quran a proof for us! So the Quran tutor should let his student know about these facts also,

An illegitimate daughter is asking, Whose daughter am I?


I'm an illegitimate child. I was conceived before my mother became Muslim. She became Muslim a few days before my birth. My parents married when I was 10 months old. My parents got divorced 2 years ago, after I disclosed sexual abuse by him. I have used my father's name since I was born and he has always accepted paternity of me. Do I need to change my name to my mother's name? I am 14 year old and have five siblings, all with my father's name. I read the answers on this site and all seemed to say that I should, but one answer by Shaykh 'Abd-Allah ibn Jibreen seemed to say the opposite. (Question Reference Number 5967) He stated that if the father accepts paternity, it is permissible to retain his name. Please clarify this issue for me.

Praise be to Allaah.


Firstly: we confirm that the illegitimate
child has nothing to do with his parents’ crime, and that he has all the same rights as any other Muslim, male or female. He must also fear Allaah
so that he may become one of the people of Paradise with whom Allaah is pleased. 

Secondly: the scholars differed as to whether
or not the child may be attributed to his adulterous father, if the woman was not married. 

What that means is: if the woman was married
and had a child six months after being married, then the child should be attributed to the father, and he cannot deny the child unless he divorces
his wife by means of li’aan. If a man claims that he committed zina with this woman and that this is his illegitimate child, no attention should
be paid to him, according to scholarly consensus, because the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said, “The child is to be
attributed to the husband and the adulterer deserves nothing.” Narrated by al-Bukhaari, 2053; Muslim, 1457. 

Ibn Qudaamah said: “The scholars were
unanimously agreed that if a child is born to one man’s wife, and another man claims it is his child, the child is not to be attributed to the
latter. The difference of opinion arises when a child is born outside of marriage.” 

If the woman is not married, and she has a
child as a result of zina, and the zaani (adulterer, man who committed zina) claims it is his child, should the child be attributed to him or

The majority of scholars are of the view that
the child should not be attributed to him. 

It was narrated from al-Hasan, Ibn Sireen,
‘Urwah, al-Nakha’i, Ishaaq and Sulaymaan ibn Yassaar that the child should be attributed to him. 

This was also the view favoured by Shaykh
al-Islam Ibn Taymiyah (may Allaah have mercy on him). 

Ibn Qudaamah also narrated this view from Abu
Haneefah. He said: “ ‘Ali ibn ‘Aasim narrated that Abu Haneefah said: If a man commits zina with a woman and she gets pregnant from him, I do not
see anything wrong with him marrying her even though she is pregnant, so as to conceal her (sin), and the child will be his child.” (al-Mughni,

Ibn Muflih (may Allaah have mercy on him) said: Our shaykh [Ibn Taymiyah] favoured the view
that a man may attribute to himself a child who is the result of zina with an unmarried woman.  al-Furoo’, 6/625 

Ibn Qudaamah (may Allaah have mercy on him)
said: The illegitimate child should not be attributed to the zaani according to the majority of scholars, but al-Hasan and Ibn Sireen said: he may
be attributed to the zaani if the hadd punishment has been carried out on him, and he may inherit from him. Ibraaheem said: He may be attributed
to him if the hadd punishment of flogging has been carried out, or if he becomes the owner of the woman with whom he had intercourse. Ishaaq said:
He may be attributed to him, and he quoted something similar from ‘Urwah and Sulaymaan ibn Yassaar. 

Shaykh al-Islam (Ibn Taymiyah) said: There are also two views among the scholars concerning the
zaani claiming the child as his if the woman is not married. The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: “The child is to
be attributed to the husband and the adulterer deserves nothing.” So he said that the child belongs to the husband, not the zaani. But if the
woman is not married then this hadeeth is not applicable. ‘Umar attributed children born in the jaahiliyyah to their fathers, but this is not the
place to discuss this issue in detail. 

Al-Fataawa al-Kubra,

The majority of scholars quoted as evidence
that the illegitimate child should not be attributed to the zaani the hadeeth narrated by Ahmad (7002), Abu Dawood (2265) and Ibn Maajah (2746)
from ‘Amr ibn Shu’ayb from his father from his grandfather who said: “The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) ruled that
whoever is born to a slave woman who was not owned by his father, or (was born to) a free woman with whom (the father) committed zina, then he
cannot be attributed to him nor can he inherit, even if the one to whom he is attributed claims him as a son. He is the child of fornication
whether his mother was a free woman or a slave.”  

This hadeeth was classed as hasan by
al-Albaani in Saheeh Abi Dawood, and by al-Arna’oot in Tahqeeq al-Musnad. It was quoted as evidence by Ibn Muflih to support the
view of the majority. 

The Prophet (peace and blessings of
Allaah be upon him) ruled that the illegitimate child should not be attributed to the zaani and could not inherit from him, even if the zaani
claimed him as his child.  

Undoubtedly attributing the child to a
particular person is a serious matter on which many rulings of sharee’ah depend, such as matters of inheritance, who is forbidden for marriage
(mahrams) and who are his relatives. 

The point is that the fatwa which says that
the illegitimate child should not be attributed to the zaani is in accordance with the view of the majority of scholars. 

With regard to Shaykh Ibn Jibreen (may Allaah
preserve him), perhaps he based his view on the other scholarly view which we have mentioned above. 

Based on the view of the majority, the
illegitimate child – whether male or female – should not be attributed to the zaani, and should not be described as his child. Rather he should be
attributed to his mother; he is a mahram for her and may inherit from her like all her other children. 

Shaykh Ibn ‘Uthaymeen (may Allaah have mercy on him) said: “With regard to the child who is
born as a result of zina, he is the child of his mother, not of his father, because of the general meaning of the hadeeth in which the Prophet
(peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: ‘The child is to be attributed to the husband and the adulterer deserves nothing’ – i.e.,
this is not his child. This is what the hadeeth means. If the man marries her after repenting, then the child has been conceived before marriage
and repentance and is not his child; he cannot inherit from the man who committed zina even if he claims him as his child, because he is not his
legitimate child.” 

From Fataawa Islamiyyah, 3/370. 

In Fataawa al-Shaykh Muhammad ibn
Ibraaheem (11/146) it says: The child who is created from the sperm of the zaani cannot be called the child of the zaani. 

And Allaah knows best.

Learning quran and understand the teaching of quran

Learn Quran it brings happiness in this world and the Here after. Reading quran online inspires a man to explore the Arabic quran teachings in a new manner and see the world in a different way the way of truth and guidance. Learn holy Quran it brings happiness in this world and the world after death. The Prophet (Peace be upon him) said: If you desire the life of the fortunate, the death of a martyr, the salvation on the Day of Regret and the shade on the Day of Extreme Heat, then you should study the Quranic education because it is the word of the Merciful, a sanctuary from Shaytaan and a causes the tilting of the Balance. It is the deputy of every Muslim to spread the word of justice let teach kids quran from the beginning the quran quida  and ask then for listening to quran online from different reciter’s and learn quran tafsir and the quranic tafseer with translation and let the do quran memorization   and learn tajweed quran rules from quran tutor and guide them to spread the word of peace 

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

He wants to wear the Arabic thawb in a non-Muslim country


my question is concerning the permissibility of wearing a thawb in public every day in a Western country (Canada). Does wearing a thawb in such circumstances come under the heading of libaas ush-shuhrah? The thawb is something that is foreign to the non-muslims here, but I myself personally love the thawb more than the western clothes like pants and jeans and the likes. Not only that, but I also like the fact that it covers the 'awrah more properly than these western clothes. So would there be any sin of arrogance on me if I were to wear a thawb every day to school in a country where it's considered to strange or foreign to wear such clothes? Is this the same thing as wearing garments of fame and vanity?

I've read the other fatwas concerning this matter but I couldn't find anything related to the permissibility of wearing a thawb in situations like this.

Praise be to Allaah.

What is prescribed is for the Muslim to wear the customary
clothing of the people of the country in which he is living, so that he
will not stand out among them in ways that may harm him or attract
backbiting about him, so long as that clothing does not include anything
that is contrary to sharee‘ah. 

For more information please see the answer to questions no.
108255 and

So long as the Arabic thawb is regarded as foreign or strange
in a country and is not acceptable, it is better for you to wear what is
customary for the people in your country, whilst making sure that the pants
are loose and do not show the shape of the ‘awrah. 

Shaykh al-Islam Ibn Taymiyah (may Allah have mercy on him)

If a Muslim is in a non-Muslim land that is hostile towards
the Muslims, or a non-Muslim land that is not hostile, he is not enjoined to
differ from them in his outward appearance, because of the harmful
consequences that may result from that. 

Rather it may be mustahabb or obligatory for a man to be
similar to them in his outward appearance sometimes, if there is a religious
interest to be served by that, such as calling them to Islam and other good

But in Muslim lands where Allah has caused His religion to
prevail and has caused the disbelievers to come under Muslim rule and pay
the jizyah, it is prescribed to be different from (the disbelievers in

End quote from Iqtida’ al-Siraat al-Mustaqeem,

And Allah knows best.


Important note to learn and online quran recitation


The true knowledge of Islam is in reading quran online  and bring the true succeed in to our daily life we should learn holy quran online as much as we could and not just in Arabic but try to understand the meaning of it so when ever we listen to quran online we can understand the Koran and learn how to read quran online it gives us the guidance to bring the purity in to our life with the true way and also spread the word of Islam and its knowledge to all over the world find  holy quran reciter and more Islamic articles in this learning quran blog and feel free to spread it further as much as you could


Ruling on wearing a necklace with a picture of al-Masjid al-Aqsa or the Ka’bah


Is it permissible for me to buy a necklace with a picture of al-Masjid al-Aqsa or the holy Ka’bah?.

Praise be to Allaah.

There is nothing wrong with wearing a necklace on which is a
picture of al-Masjid al-Aqsa or the holy Ka’bah, unless it has the name of
Allaah or anything from the Qur’aan engraved on it, in which case it is not
allowed to wear it because it is disrespectful, or the aim in wearing it is
to seek blessing from the picture of these places that are venerated by
Muslims. In that case it is not permissible to wear it. 

See also question no.

And Allaah knows best.

Learn Holy Quran because it will be a proof for us muslim on the Day of Judgment.

This is due to the statement of the Messenger: “And the Quran is a proof for you or against you.” [Muslim] so the deputy of every Muslim is to read quran and learn quran with tajweed so one of two things will occur with this proof, the Book of Allah. And this quran education will be in your favor, a proof for us on the Day when we will need every single good deed and learning quran along with doing quran memorization is one of it and to add more spread the quran teaching and spread the kids quran knowledge and listening to quran online and understand the quran tafseer , it will be something standing against us and follow the guidance of or prophet Muhammad peace be upon him, and these good deeds will be a proof against us! Who could be saved from the terrors of that Day if Allah’s own Speech is against him?!?! Think carefully, so reading Arabic Quran and teaching our kids quran qaida with the tafseer of quran  and let the kids memorize quran dear Muslim brother or sister, about your position with the reading Quran! Are you neglecting it, contradicting it, being heedless of its orders and prohibitions, are you thinking deeply over it?! Will it be on your side on the Day of Judgment.? So learn quran recitation! O Allah! We ask you, by Your Glorious Speech and the rest of your beautiful Names and Attributes, to make the Quran a proof for us! So the Quran tutor should let his student know about these facts also,


He ordered the zaani to marry the zaaniyah and abort the foetus; what should he do?


My father advised his nephew to abort the foetus he bore with a woman as result of adultery. She was about two months pregnant then. They aborted the foetus then he divorced her.  

The question: is my father sinful of advising to kill that foetus while he knew it is abhorrent to do so, but he feared it causes shame to the whole family? 

I reminded my father of this incident and he admitted his mistake and is regretful for it. He does not know what to do or how to expiate for this sin. Is he considered the killer of the foetus as he forced his nephew to make his wife abort the foetus? 

Please bear in mind that my father is a diabetic old man and suffering from hypertension and stroke. He cannot fast if the expiation is fasting.

Praise be to Allaah.


If the pregnant woman aborts the foetus by taking medicine
and the like, after four months of pregnancy, then the diyah must be paid
according to scholarly consensus, and expiation must be offered according to
some of them. 

The diyah in this case is a male or female slave; if that is
not possible then the equivalent value in camels must be given, namely five,
because the diyah of the foetus is one tenth of the diyah of his mother, and
it is well known that the diyah of a free Muslim woman is fifty camels, so
the diyah of the foetus is five camels. 

This diyah must be paid by everyone who was directly involved
in aborting the foetus; that includes the doctor and the woman if she took
medicine to help with the abortion; the diyah must be paid to the heirs of
the foetus, except that the killer does not take any of it. 

The evidence for that is the report narrated by al-Bukhaari
(6910) and Muslim (1681) from Abu Hurayrah (may Allaah be pleased with him),
who said: Two women from Hudhayl fought and one of them threw a rock at the
other and killed her and the child in her womb. They referred the matter to
the Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) and
he ruled that the diyah for her foetus was a slave, male or female, and he
ruled that the diyah for the woman be paid by her (the killer’s) ‘aaqilah
[the relatives who must pay the ‘aql or diyah (blood money), i.e., the male
relatives on the father’s side]. 

With regard to the kafaarah or expiation, the Shaafa’is and
Hanbalis are of the view that it must be offered. 

The expiation for killing is to free a slave, and if that is
not possible, to fast for two consecutive months. 

If the abortion took place before four months of pregnancy,
then it is haraam, as has previously been explained in the answer to
question no. 42321, but no expiation or diyah is required, because the soul
had not been breathed into it. 


If this incident involved one who issued instructions and one
who actually did the deed, such as a man who ordered the doctor to carry out
the abortion, or who ordered the woman to take medicine, then the liability
(diyah and expiation) is borne by the one who actually did it, not the one
who ordered him. See Mataalib Ooli al-Nuha (6/50). 

Thus it is clear that your father does not have to do
anything but repent, because suggesting and ordering someone to have an
abortion is obviously an evil deed, so he has to repent to Allaah, regret
what he did and do a lot of righteous deeds such as giving charity and so
on, in the hope that Allaah will accept his repentance. Allaah says
(interpretation of the meaning):  

“And verily, I am indeed forgiving to him who repents,
believes (in My Oneness, and associates none in worship with Me) and does
righteous good deeds, and then remains constant in doing them (till his

[Ta-Ha 20:82] 

And Allaah knows best.

Practice Islam and do quran reading and spread the word of truth 


Benefits for the students when they learn holy Quran through the Quranic Students the kids get wiser when the student start Quran reading from there childhood and gain the Our beloved Prophet Muhammad (saww) said: Who ever read Quran before becoming a Baaligh has indeed been given wisdom as a child. The quran teaching is one of the best intellectual treasures that a student can have. And we should guide our kids to learn quran Our Prophet Muhammad (saww) said: The holy Quran is a wealth with which there is no poverty, and without which there is no wealth. So quran tutor should let the student do quran memorization and pay attention to the main lesson of the quran wile reading quran or become a Quran reciter with its depth knowledge to shine in the whole world  now a day many online institutes who teach kids quran online and give them tajweed quran lessons to improve the kids quran recitation online and let then learn quran online with proper manner and following and learn quranic Arabic with the translation and then learn quran tafseer also so the student can feel the main them and get the true guidance

End of the note by quran education

Daily Hadith:Good Manners - 16th Dhul Qa'dah 1432 (14th October 2011) read quran

Daily Hadith:Good Manners - 16th Dhul Qa'dah 1432 (14th October 2011)

Bismillah Walhamdulillah Was Salaatu Was Salaam 'ala Rasulillah

As-Salaam Alaikum Wa-Rahmatullahi Wa-Barakatuhu

Good Manners - 16th Dhul Qa'dah 1432 (14th October 2011)

Narrated Abu Huraira (Radi-Allahu 'anhu):

Allah's Apostle (Sallallahu 'Alaihi Wa Sallam) said, "The signs of a
hypocrite are three: Whenever he speaks, he tells a lie; and whenever he
promises, he breaks his promise; and whenever he is entrusted, he betrays
(proves to be dishonest)".

Bukhari Vol. 8 : No. 117

learning quran   read quran

Daily Hadith:Good Manners - 17th Dhul Qa'dah 1432 (15th October 2011)

Daily Hadith:Good Manners - 17th Dhul Qa'dah 1432 (15th October 2011) learn quran online

Bismillah Walhamdulillah Was Salaatu Was Salaam 'ala Rasulillah

As-Salaam Alaikum Wa-Rahmatullahi Wa-Barakatuhu

Good Manners - 17th Dhul Qa'dah 1432 (15th October 2011)

Narrated Samura bin Jundub (Radi-Allahu 'anhu):

The Prophet (Sallallahu 'Alaihi Wa Sallam) said, "I saw (in a dream), two
men came to me." Then the Prophet (Sallallahu 'Alaihi Wa Sallam) narrated
the story (saying), "They said, 'The person, the one whose cheek you saw
being torn away (from the mouth to the ear) was a liar and used to tell
lies and the people would report those lies on his authority till they
spread all over the world. So he will be punished like that till the Day of
Resurrection.' "

Bukhari Vol. 8 : No. 118


Your Islamic Website here. Contact for details.

read quran online

Daily Hadith:Good Manners - 23rd Dhul Qa'dah 1432 (21st October 2011)

Daily Hadith:Good Manners - 23rd Dhul Qa'dah 1432 (21st October 2011)

Bismillah Walhamdulillah Was Salaatu Was Salaam 'ala Rasulillah

As-Salaam Alaikum Wa-Rahmatullahi Wa-Barakatuhu

Good Manners - 23rd Dhul Qa'dah 1432 (21st October 2011)

Narrated Abu Huraira (Radi-Allahu 'anhu):

The Prophet (Sallallahu 'Alaihi Wa Sallam) said, "Whoever believes in Allah
and the Last Day, should serve his guest generously; and whoever believes
in Allah and the Last Day, should unite the bond of kinship (i.e. keep good
relation with his Kith and kin); and whoever believes in Allah and the Last
Day, should talk what is good or keep quiet. "

Bukhari Vol. 8 : No. 160

learn quran online

Monday, October 24, 2011

Quran - Koran, Word of God? - Who wrote Quran?:


Who wrote Quran?

During the last few weeks we discussed on many issues whether
Quran was from God or not? From where Muhammad got his revelations? Was
Muhammad a prophet or not? What type of life Muhammad lived etc. This
week we are going to look at 'who wrote Quran?'

Who wrote Quran?:

Muslims say that Bible is not the word of God because it
has no known author or that most of the books of the Bible say, "author
- unknown". But careful study of the Bible suggests that there are
many evidences which indicate that the writers of the Bible were prophets
and apostles themselves. For example the first five books of the Bible
were written by Moses.

Moses writes instructions for the kings of Israel in Deu
17:18-20, "Also it shall be, when he sits on the throne of his kingdom,
that he shall write for himself a copy of this law in a book, from the
one before the priests, the Levites. And it shall be with him, and he
shall read it all the days of his life, that he may learn to fear the
LORD his God and be careful to observe all the words of this law and these
statutes, that his heart may not be lifted above his brethren, that he
may not turn aside from the commandment to the right hand or to the left,
and that he may prolong his days in his kingdom, he and his children in
the midst of Israel."

Joshua confirms that there were written Laws with them which
was given by God to Moses. In Joshua 1:7-8, "Only
be strong and very courageous, that you may observe to do according to
all the law which Moses My servant commanded you; do not turn from it
to the right hand or to the left, that you may prosper wherever you go.
This Book of the Law shall not depart from your mouth, but you shall meditate
in it day and night, that you may observe to do according to all that
is written in it. For then you will make your way prosperous, and then
you will have good success."

Further we read that Joshua made an altar of the LORD God
as it was written in the Book of the Law of Moses in Josh
8:30-31, "Now Joshua built an altar to the LORD God of Israel in
Mount Ebal, as Moses the servant of the LORD had commanded the children
of Israel, as it is written in the Book of the Law of Moses: "an
altar of whole stones over which no man has wielded an iron tool."
And they offered on it burnt offerings to the LORD, and sacrificed peace

Joshua also made a copy of the Book of Law when they reached
the promised land as we read in Josh 8:32, "And
there, in the presence of the children of Israel, he wrote on the stones
a copy of the law of Moses, which he had written."

Further it was confirmed in 2 Chr
17:9 So they taught in Judah, and had the Book of the Law of the LORD
with them."
And throughout the Bible we read about the confirmation
that Bible was written by prophets and apostles who had direct contact
with God.

Now the question is, who wrote Quran or who was the author
of Quran?

Hadith tells us that Muhammad was illiterate and was unable
to read or write. So of course Muhammad did not write Quran. Muslims claim
that Muhammad dictated the whole Quran to his followers and many of them
memorized the Quranic verses word by word and later they wrote it down.
The bottom line is that no one knows for sure who wrote the Quran.

After the death of Muhammad there was a time when Uthman
the third Caliph of Islam ordered to burn all the copies of Quran except
one. It was believed that there were variations in text and recitation
practice of Quran at that time and so Uthman took this step. According
to Quran and Hadith, Muhammad was the last prophet of Islam. So Uthman
was not a prophet and we do not know whether he kept the valid and original
Quran or destroyed it? We also do not know how he determined which one
was the correct version of Quran?

Muslims claim that Quran was directly given by Allah and
Sheikh Ahmed Deedat the Muslim Scholar and other Muslims have claimed
that Quran is the word of God because it was written in first person speech
unlike Bible, where third person speech is used. But the very first chapter
of Quran is written in the third person speech.

Surah 1:1-7. "In the name of Allah, Most Gracious,
Most Merciful. Praise be to Allah, the Cherisher and Sustainer of the
worlds; Most Gracious, Most Merciful; Master of the Day of Judgment. Thee
do we worship, and Thine aid we seek. Show us the straight way, The way
of those on whom Thou hast bestowed Thy Grace, those whose (portion) is
not wrath, and who go not astray."

This is not the only one example but there are many Surahs
which are written in third person speech. So if we take the word of Muslim
Scholars, Quran is not the word of God.

Practice Islam and do quran reading and spread the word of truth 


Benefits for the students when they learn holy Quran through the Quranic Students the kids get wiser when the student start Quran reading from there childhood and gain the Our beloved Prophet Muhammad (saww) said: Who ever read Quran before becoming a Baaligh has indeed been given wisdom as a child. The quran teaching is one of the best intellectual treasures that a student can have. And we should guide our kids to learn quran Our Prophet Muhammad (saww) said: The holy Quran is a wealth with which there is no poverty, and without which there is no wealth. So quran tutor should let the student do quran memorization and pay attention to the main lesson of the quran wile reading quran or become a Quran reciter with its depth knowledge to shine in the whole world  now a day many online institutes who teach kids quran online and give them tajweed quran lessons to improve the kids quran recitation online and let then learn quran online with proper manner and following and learn quranic Arabic with the translation and then learn quran tafseer also so the student can feel the main them and get the true guidance

End of the note by quran education

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

I want to become a Muslim but How ?


How To Become A Muslim

Based on a booklet by The Cooperative Office for Call and Guidance - Riyadh, Saudi Arabia

All praise be to Allah, the Lord of the universe. May peace and blessings of Allah be upon Mohammad, His last messenger.

The purpose of this hand-out is to correct a false idea spread among those willing to adopt Islam as their faith. Some people have a wrong notion that entering into the Islamic fold requires an announcement from the concerned person in the presence of high ranking scholars or shaikhs or reporting this act to courts of justice or other authorities. It is also thought that the act of accepting Islam, should, as a condition, have a certificate issued by the authorities, as evidence to that effect.

We wish to clarify that the whole matter is very easy and that none of these conditions or obligations are required. For Allah, Almighty, is above all comprehension and knows well the secrets of all hearts. Nevertheless, those who are going to adopt Islam as their religion are advised to register themselves as Muslims with the concerned governmental agency, as this procedure may facilitate for them many matters including the possibility of performing Hadj (Pilgrimage) and Umrah.

If anyone has a real desire to be a Muslim and has full conviction and strong belief that Islam is the true religion ordained by Allah for all human-beings, then, one should pronounce the "Shahada", the testimony of faith, without further delay. The Holy Qur'an is explicit on this regard as Allah states:

"The Religion in the sight of Allah is Islam"

(Qur'an 3:19)

In another verse of the Holy Qur'an, Allah states:

"If anyone desires a religion other than Islam (Submission to Allah), Never will it be accepted of him; and in the Hereafter he will be in the ranks of those who have lost (their selves in the hell fire)."

(Qur'an 3:85)

In addition, Islam is the only religion prevailing over all other religions. Allah states in the Holy Qur'an:

"To thee We sent the Scripture in truth, confirming the scripture that came before it, and guarding it in safety:..."

(Qur'an 5:48)

Mohammad, the Prophet of Allah (Peace and blessing of Allah be upon him), said:

"The superstructure of Islam is raised on five (pillars): testifying that there is no God (none truely to be worshiped) but Allah, and that Mohammad is the messenger of Allah, performing the prayer, paying the Zakah (poor-due), fasting the month of Ramadan, and performing Hadj".

The Shahada can be declared as follows:


The English translation is:

"I bear witness that there is none worthy of worship but Allah, and I bear witness that Mohammad is the Messenger of Allah

However, it would not be sufficient for anyone to only utter this testimony oraly either in private or in public; but rather, he should believe in it by heart with a firm conviction and unshakeable faith. If one is truly sincere and complies with the teachings of Islam in all his life, he will find himself a new born person.

This will move him to strive more and more to improve his character and draw nearer to perfection. The light of the living faith will fill his heart until he becomes the embodiment of that faith.

What would be next after declaring oneself a Muslim? One should then know the real concept underlying this testimony which means the Oneness of Allah and meet its requirements. One must behave accordingly, applying this true faith to every thing one speaks or does.

What do the words of the "Shahada" signify? The significant point which every Muslim must know very well is the truth that there is no God (deity) to be worshipped other than Allah. He - glory be to Him - is the only true God, Who alone deserves to be worshipped, since He is the Giver of life and Sustainer and Nourisher of mankind and all creation with His unlimited bounties. Man must worship Allah, Who alone is worthy of worship.

The second part of the Shahada (i.e., Wa ash-hadu anna Mohammadan rasul-Allah) means that Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) is the servant and chosen messenger of Allah. No one must have two opinions about this matter. In fact the Muslim has to obey the commands of the Prophet (PBUH), to believe him in what he has said, to practice his teachings, to avoid what he has forbidden, and to worship Allah alone according to the message revealed to him, for all the teachings of the Prophet were in fact revelations and inspirations conveyed to him by Allah.

What is the meaning of worship? It simply means rendering sincere service, showing reverence for Allah. In a deeper shade of meaning, it implies total submission and complete obedience to Allah's commandments both in utterances and actions of man whether explicit or implicit.

Worship fall into two categories:

Visible (manifest or outward)

Invisible (concealed or inward)

Visible worship includes acts such as uttering the two parts of the "Shahada", performing prayers, giving Zakah (the poor-due), recitation of the Holy Qur'an, supplication, adoring Allah by praising Him, purifying our bodies before prayers, etc.

This type of worship is associated with movement of the parts of the human body.

Invisible worship is to believe in Allah, in the Day of Judgement (in the Hereafter), in the Angels, in the Books of Allah, in the Prophets of Allah, in the Divine Decree of destiny (that good and bad are determined by Allah alone).

This type of worship does not involve movement of parts of the body but it surely has bearing on one's heart which subsequently affects one's way of life.

It should be borne in mind that any worship not dedicated to Allah alone will be rejected as one form of polytheism and this causes apostasy from the Islamic fold.

The next step for a newly revert to Islam is to purify himself by taking a complete bath. He should then resolve to comply with the principles and rules of Islam in their entirety. He should disown all forms of polytheism and false beliefs. He should reject evil and be righteous. Such rejection of evil and being righteous is one of the equisites of the motto of Islam - that is, Laa Ilaha Illallah.

Allah states in the Holy Qur'an:

"... whoever rejects evil and believes in Allah hath grasped the most trustworthy Hand-hold, that never breaks..."

(Qur'an 2:256)

We have to consider that when we declare from our heart that "there is no god (deity) worthy to be worshipped but Allah", it implies on our part love, devotion, faith and obedience to the rules of Islamic legislations which are legally binding on all Muslims. It is a requirement of "there is no god worthy to be worshipped but Allah" to love for the sake of Allah and to reject for the sake of Allah.

This is the firmest anchor of belief which materialise the meaning of "AL WALA" and "AL BARA". It means that a Muslim should love and be loyal to his Muslim brothers. He should, as a practice, dissociate himself completely from the unbelievers and refuse to be influenced by them, both in worldly and religious matters.

We conclude with a humble prayer to Allah that may He cleanse the hearts and souls of those who are genuine seekers of truth and may He bless the community of believers. Aameen.


allah alhafiz