Story of Bilquis, Queen of Seba
The things Muslim should do. We as Muslim should give our first priority to learn quran and do quran reading to seek the right path of Islam and through the quran teaching we can achieve the goal of our life and the deputy to guiding our kids to learn Koran that we should fulfill with perfecting kids quran recitation power and knowledge in Islam and also motivate our children’s to do quran memorization and then guide them to learn holy Quran tafseer so they could understand the quran in Arabic and the quranic translation and also let or kids to listen quran from top quran reciters to get them inspired. at last I would pray for all my Muslim brothers and sisters that may Allah accept there Dwas and prayers and inspire you with the teachings of our holy prophet Mohammed (peace be upon him) so let us join hands and spread the knowledge that every Muslim is born to spread the knowledge of Islam now a day many online quran tutor are available for kids and elders to learn tajweed quran and with exact pronunciation and perfect the quran recitation online with qualified teaching staff who can guide then with there experience and knowledge and the write teachings to help us in achieving the path of Jannah
There is a tale narrated by Ibn-Athir about the divorce of father and mother of Bilqis, Queen Seba as an example that should not su'udz-dzan:
قال كثير من الرواة: إنّ أمّها جنّيّة ابنة ملك الجنّ واسمها رواحة بنت السكر، وقيل: اسم أمّها يلقمة بنت عمرو بن عمير الجنّيّ، وإنّما نكح أبوها إلى الجنّ لأنّه قال: ليس في الإنس لي كفوة، فخطب إلى الجنّ فزوّجوه واختلفوا في سبب وصوله إلى الجنّ حتى خطب إليهم فقيل: إنّه كان لهجاً بالصيد، فربّما اصطاد الجنّ على صور الظباء فيخلّي عنهنّ، فظهر له ملك الجنّ وشكره علي ذلك واتخذه صديقاً، فخطب ابنته فأنكحه على أن يعطيه ساحل البحر ما بين يبرين إلى عدن؛ وقيل: إنّ أباها خرج يوماً متصيّداً فرأي حديتين تقتتلان بيضاء وسوداء وقد ظهرت السوداء علي البيضاء فزمر بقتل السوداء
وحمل البيضاء وصبّ عليها ماء، فأفاقت، فأطلقها وعاد إلى داره وجلس منفرداً، وإذا معه شابّ جميل، فذعر منه، فقال له: لا تخف أنا الحيّة التي أنجيتني، والأسود الذي قتلته غلامٌ لنا تمرّد علينا وقتل عدّة من أهل بيتي؛ وعرض عليه المال وعلم الطبّ، فقال: أمّا المال فلا حاجة لي به، وأمّا الطبّ فهو قبيح بالملك، ولكن إن كان لك بنت فزوّجنيها، فزوّجه على شرط أن لا يغيّر عليها شيئاً تعمله ومتى غيّر عليها فارقته، فأجابه إلى ذلك، فحملت منه فولدت له غلاماً فألقته في النّار، فجزع لذلك وسكت للشرط، ثمّ حملت منه فولدت جارية فألقتها إلى كلبة فأخذتها، فعظم ذلك عليه وصبر للشرط، ثمّ إنّه عصي عليه بعضُ أصحابه فجمع عسكره فسار إليه ليقاتله وهي معه، فانتهى إلي مفازة، فلمّا توسّطها رأى جميع ما معهم من الزاد يخلط بالتراب، وإذا الماء يُصبّ من القرب والمزاود، فأيقنوا بالهلاك وعلموا أنّه من فعال الجنّ عن أمر زوجته، فضاق ذرعاً عن حمل ذلك، فأتاها وجلس وأومأ إلى الأرض وقال: يا أرض صبرتُ لكِ على إحراق ابني وإطعام الكلبة إبنتي ثمّ أنتِ الآن قد فجعتنا بالزاد والماء وقد أشرفنا على الهلاك فقالت المرأة: لو صبرت لكان خيراً لك، وسأخبرك: إنّ عدوّك خدع وزيرك فجعل السمّ في الأزواد والمياه ليقتلك وأصحابك، فمر وزيرك ليشرب ما بقي من الماء ويأكل من الزاد، فأمره فامتنع، فقتله، ودلّتهم على الماء والميرة من قريب وقالت: أما ابنك فدفعته إلى حاضنة تربيّه وقد مات، وأمّا ابنتك فهي باقية، وإذا بجويرية قد خرجت من الأرض، وهي بلقيس، وفارقته امرأته وسار إلى عدوّ فظفر به
Most narrators explain, "Bilqis' mother is a female genie named Rawachach bintus-Sakar, daughter of king of the genies."
"The name of Bilqis mother Yalqamah bintu 'Amer ibn' Umair (jin)," said another narrator. Which caused the Bilqis' father to marry (mother Bilqis) woman of genie, because she felt very strong. He once said, "No human is able to keep up my strength." From then he proposed that female genie. And the woman's family received his proposal, until finally they accept him as their son in law. The narrators argued about the cause of the Bilqis' father meet with women genie, until finally propose and marry her (eventually became his wife):
1. There are who narrated, "It is said that he sometimes moved his lips to the animal prey. Many times he frees his quarry in the form of deer-antelope which is actually genies. Therefore a king of the spirits that ever came out to meet him to give thanks (thank you), and to appoint him as a dear friend. Starting from there eventually the Bilqis' father applied the king of the spirits' daughter. The Genie's King accepting the applications to marry with his daughter on condition; he had handed over the coastal areas, ranging from Yabrin up 'Adan
2. The other narrated, "One day Bilqis' father went out to hunt. Suddenly he saw two snakes, white and black,were fighting. The black almost won the battle. He squatted to kill a black snake. Then he took the white snake flush water. After the white snake awake from the unconsciousness and recovering, He released it. Then he returned homes. He sat alone in the house. Suddenly there was a handsome young man who appears at his side. Shock and fear were lost when the handsome young man said, " Do not be afraid. I'm the white snake you have saved. Black snake that has you kill is my slave that was wicked. He had killed a number of my family.
"White snake that has been transformed to a handsome offered rewards in the form of wealth, and will teach how to cure diseases." Frankly I do not need wealth. While the science of medicine is not appropriate for a king like me. If you have a daughter girl, marry her to me!",he said. The handsome man who was the incarnation of the serpent complied the king request, married with a daughter, on condition must not be angry if his wife would do anything. When it comes to anger it must be divorced. The king who liked to hunt accepted these requirements. Finally she was really married to the snake' girl.
The king was shocked by the act of his wife: entering her son who was a baby in the fire. Actually, he was furious at his wife. But he was silent because he thought the requirement that they had promised. The second pregnancy, gave birth to a girl baby. The king was surprised again by the act of his wife: give the baby girl in a dog. Baby girl bitten by a dog and taken away. Of course it made the king more angry at his wife. But he restrained himself, remembering the terms he'd said.
One day a king's subordinate along with a number of troops entered to resist against the king. So the king was forced to gather the troops to fight him. At that time the king was accompanied by his wife. When the king has arrived in mid-wide open space, he suddenly saw the whole army supplies had been mixed with soil. And all the water supplies in large or small greba /container has shed until exhausted. All forces must be confident that they will soon starve or die of hunger. They realized that it must have been genies act on the orders of their king's wife. The King hated more his wife, but can not do much, because remember he ever promised requirements. A moment later the king went to his wife, then he pointed on earth. He said, "O earth (in fact mean 'O my wife)'.
I have been patient because I love you; when male baby was burnt and when the baby girl was given to the dogs. But why all of sudden you bear to contaminate supplies of troops with the dust and water ?. And we almost died of hunger and thirst?. " The wife said, "If you are patient it would be better for you and for your troops. I will explain to you in order not to misunderstand. The enemy you have fought successfully seduced your vice who rebels you, until your vice poisoned the entire food and drinking water supplies, so that you and your troops die altogether. If you do not believe, order your deputy to consume the leftover water and food exist!. " After the king ordered his deputy to drink excess water and to eat leftover food exist and realized it would not. The king had killed his deputy who has been treason. She showed that soil contaminated water and food for troops had been poisoned from nearby.
"Actually, your baby boy had just been handed to the nanny (the genie in the form of fire). Now he has died. The baby girl that I gave to the dog's nanny is still alive," said the king's wife. Suddenly a young teenage girl appeared from the ground. She was Bilqis who in the baby time was cared by (genie form) dogs. Soon then the Bilqis' mother file to divorce from the king since have been reprimanded. The king attacked and defeated his subordinates who had defected and rebelled. [Al-Kamil fit-Tarikh 1 / 76].
Ibnu Katsir wrote:
"قلت: بل هو منكر غريب جدًا، ولعله من أوهام عطاء بن السائب على ابن عباس، والله أعلم والأقرب في مثل هذه السياقات أنها متلقاة عن أهل الكتاب، مما يوجد في صحفهم، كروايات كعب ووهب -سامحهما الله تعالى -فيما نقلاه إلى هذه الأمة من أخبار بني إسرائيل، من الأوابد والغرائب والعجائب، مما كان وما لم يكن، ومما حرف وبدل ونسخ. وقد أغنانا الله، سبحانه، عن ذلك بما هو أصح منه وأنفع وأوضح وأبلغ، ولله الحمد والمنة –
I'm saying, 'This hadith is very unjust even once. Perhaps this includes Atho's narrations which "wahmun" (doubts the truth) from Ibn' Abbas. Wallaahu a'lam. Which is close to the truth in commenting that this kind of history comes from the Book Scriptures, originally was from their books. This is similar to narrations Ka'eb and Waheb . Unfortunately if someone as powerful as them both convey a history of Bani Isra'il on this people. Narrations are wild, strange and weird. May God erase their history together. History certainly has changed and copied. Actually, Allah The Most Holy has given us a story more saheeh, clearer and more detail: namely the Qur'an. And all praise and grace belongs to Allah. "[Ibn Kathir 6 / 197].
It is possible that Ibn Kathir criticized this history because he's intellectual. How may a human associated with a genie could decent offspring?. Whereas nature and chromosomes are different. Here the author explains that just because the Bilqis father su'udz-dzan at his mother then result in divorce. And it so much happens around us. Namely, that su'udz-dzan can ruin the good that should be eternal.
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