Thursday, May 12, 2011

Ruling on the bridegroom wearing a garland of flowers on the occasion of his wedding

Ruling on the bridegroom wearing a garland of flowers on the occasion of his wedding
What is the ruling of wearing a garland of flowers on occasions such as marriage or ‘aqeeqahs? Because this custom is widespread here in India and Pakistan. Is this action bid‘ah (innovation)?

The garland is a long string on which there are roses and flowers that is worn around the neck.


Praise be to Allaah.


The Muslims have acquired from the kuffaar the practice of
giving flowers to the sick and putting garlands of flowers on the graves of
their deceased. Both actions are reprehensible, on the one hand because
these bad customs have been taken from the kuffaar, and on the other hand
because they are a waste of money. What benefit is there in roses and
flowers for which money should be spent on them and which will fade after a
short while when no one, living or dead, benefits from them? 

Some researchers have stated that wearing a garland of
flowers is a custom that was originally taken from the Christians, and is
something that they do in their church. A study has been undertaken on this

The crown of flowers: 

Wearing a crown or a garland of flowers: the origin of this
custom is what was done in the church. It says in their books: after the
blessing and after the newly married couple prepared to leave the church, it
was customary to adorn them with a crown or garland of flowers, as a symbol
of victory and of their chastity. 

End quote from Ta’ammulaat wa Waqafaat ma‘a ba‘di Mazaahir
al-‘Ars by Dr. Faatimah bint Muhammad Aal Jaar-Allah, with Forewords by
Shaykh ‘Abd-Allah ibn Jibreen (may Allah have mercy on him) and Shaykh ‘Abd
al-Rahmaan al-Mahmoud (may Allah preserve him). 

What we have mentioned is no different from the ruling on
wearing a garland of flowers on the occasion of marriage or for the ‘aqeeqah
or on other occasions. 

It should be noted that the issue of customs varies from one
country to another and one place to another. If the matter in your country
is as mentioned here, namely that this custom was originally taken from the
kuffaar, whether Christians or others, or it is a custom that is only for
the kuffaar in your country, or for a group of them, such as the Hindus, as
they are known for having this custom, or from some other group, if that is
the case it is haraam to do this action, which is one of the actions of the
kuffaar that is unique to them or was taken from some of their religious
traditions or is done in imitation of the kuffaar, in one way or another,
and is something that is unique to them. 

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