Thursday, November 24, 2011

That's My Hijab!


I probably do not fit into the preconceived notion of a "rebel".


    I have no visible tattoos and minimal piercing. I do not possess a leather jacket. In fact, when most people look at me, their first thought  usually is something along the lines of "oppressed female."

    The brave individuals who have mustered the courage to ask me about the  way I dress usually have questions like: "Do your parents make you wear  that?" or "Don't you find that really unfair?"


    A while back, a couple of girls in Montreal were kicked out of school for dressing like I do. It seems strange that a little piece of cloth would make for such controversy. Perhaps the fear is that I am harbouring an Uzi underneath it. You never can tell with those Muslim fundamentalists.


    Of course, the issue at hand is more than a mere piece of cloth. I am a Muslim woman who, like millions of other Muslim women across the   globe, chooses to wear the hijab. There are many different ways to wear it, but in essence, what we do is cover our entire bodies except for our hands   and faces.

    If you're the kind of person who has watched a lot of popular movies, you'd probably think of harem girls and belly-dancers, women who are kept in seclusion except for the private pleasure of their male masters. In  the true Islamic faith, nothing could be further from the truth. And the concept of the hijab, contrary to popular opinion, is actually one of the most  fundamental aspects of female empowerment.

    When I cover myself, I make it virtually impossible for people to judge me according to the way I look. I cannot be categorised because of my attractiveness or lack thereof. Compare this to life in today's 

society: We are constantly sizing one another up on the basis of our clothing, jewellery, hair and makeup. What kind of depth can there be in a world like  this?

    Yes, I have a body, a physical manifestation upon this Earth. But it is the vessel of an intelligent mind and a strong spirit. It is not for the beholder to leer at or to use in advertisements to sell everything 

 from beer to cars. Because of the superficiality of the world in which we live, external appearances are so stressed that the value of the individual counts    foralmost nothing.

    It is a myth that women in today's society are liberated. What kind of freedom can there be when a woman cannot walk down the street without every aspect of her physical self being "checked out''?

    When I wear the hijab I feel safe from all of this. I can rest assured that no one is looking at me and making assumptions about my character from the length of my skirt. There is a barrier between me and those who would exploit me. I am first and foremost a human being, equal to any man,  and not vulnerable because of my sexuality.

    One of the saddest truths of our time is the question of the beauty myth  and female self-image. Reading popular teenage magazines, you can instantly find out what kind of body image is "in'' or "out.'' And  if you have the "wrong" body type, well, then, you're just going to have to change it, aren't you? After all, there is no way that you can be overweight and still be beautiful.

    Look at any advertisement. Is a woman being used to sell the product? How old is she?, How attractive is she?, What is she wearing?, More often than not, that woman will be no older than her early 20s, taller, slimmer and  more attractive than average, dressed in skimpy clothing.

    Why do we allow ourselves to be manipulated like this?, Whether the '90s woman wishes to believe it or not, she is being forced into a mould. She is being coerced into selling herself, into compromising herself. This is why we have 13-year-old girls sticking their fingers down their throats andoverweight adolescents hanging themselves.

    When people ask me if I feel oppressed, I can honestly say no. I made  this decision out of my own free will. I like the fact that I am taking control of the way other people perceive me. I enjoy the fact that I  don't give  anyone anything to look at and that I have released myself from the bondage of the swinging pendulum of the fashion industry and other institutions that exploit females.


    My body is my own business. Nobody can tell me how I should look or whether or not I am beautiful. I know that there is more to me than that. I am also able to say no comfortably when people ask me if I feel as though my sexuality is being repressed. I have taken control of my sexuality.

    I am thankful, I will never have to suffer the fate of trying to lose/gain weight or trying to find the exact lipstick shade that will go with my skin colour. I have made choices about what my priorities are and these are not among them.

    So next time you see me, don't look at me sympathetically. I am not under duress or a male-worshipping female captive from those barbarous Arabic deserts. I've been liberated.

7 Conditions For a Woman's Dress


A Hijab is a word that indicated the following conditions :

1. Clothing must cover the
entire body, only the hands and face may remain visible (According to some Fiqh Schools) .

2. The material must not be so
thin that one can see through it.

3. The clothing must hang
loose so that the shape / form of the body is not apparent.

4. The female clothing must
not resemble the man's clothing.

5. The design of the clothing
must not resemble the clothing of the non believing women.

6. The design must not consist
of bold designs which attract attention.

7. Clothing should not be worn
for the sole purpose of gaining reputation or increasing one's status in society.

The reason for this strictness is so that the woman is
protected from the lustful gaze of men. She should not attract attention to herself in any
way. It is permissible for a man to catch the eye of a woman , however it is haram
(unlawful) for a man to look twice as this encourages lustful thoughts.

Islam protects the woman, it is for this reason that Allah
gave these laws. In today's society womankind is being exploited, female sexuality is
being openly used in advertising, mainly to attract the desires of men and therefore sell
the product. Is the woman really free in today's society ? The answer is obviously no, the
constant bombardment by the media as to how the ideal woman should look and dress
testifies to this.

Islam liberated woman over 1400 years ago. Is it better to
dress according to man or God ?

Allah has stated in the Quran that women must guard their

" Say to the believing women
that they should lower their gaze and guard their modesty ; that they should not display
their beauty and ornaments except what must ordinarily appear thereof.
[Quran : 24.31]

" Say to the believing man that
they should lower their gaze and guard their modesty ; that will make for greater purity
for them, and God is well aquatinted with all they do.
" [Quran : 24.30]

" And O ye believers turn ye all
together toward God, so that ye may attain bliss.
" [Quran : 24.31]

This subject is for women only!


Another view of marriage.

If you had a husband whose responsibility it was to pay for all your costs, provide you with suitable housing, pay for all your children's expenses, provide you with social recreation as well as treat you kindly, patiently and with justice, would you cooperate with him?

Would you try to make him happy, respect him and forgive him for any wrongs he might do?

Along with that, you would have the right to earn and keep your own money and he wouldn't have the right to tell you how to spend it. You could be a millionaire but he would still have the responsibility to pay for all your needs. Doesn't that sound great?

It happens.

How to destroy your child's mind


All the love, nurturing and time spent on molding a child to be confident and creative. The first years of life are so important to develop the necessary qualities for success in later life. Knowing this mothers, concentrate on these early years , only in the end, to send to them to school...

What took years in the making, takes a short time to undo. Children bounce off to school happily, eager to learn, interested in life, and wanting to do their best. After some time Mothers see a change in their children. They sigh in quiet resignation, a feeling of heaviness and innate tiredness.

The Rote system of education remains in practice in many countries throughout the world. The affect of this is widely felt.
Children learn to hate learning, they develop some kind of allergy to books. Often when the school year is over they carry out a ceremonial burning of their books. And spend the next three months of the summer doing absolutely as little as possible.

They learn by way of drills and repetition. Composition is learned by memorizing a paragraph which the teacher has written on the board. In later years teachers start to complain that the children lack creativity and insight. Then the young ones are blamed for their inability to synthesize information, which only adds to their low self-esteem, for they have not been given to chance to see what they can really do on their own.

The by-product of this system is adults who often find it difficult to understand cause and affect , to think openly and rationally.
If some new information is not put in front of them, explaining every detail, chances are they won't be able to fill in the missing

This system robs humanity of some of its greatest wealth. Human intellect and the ability to discover new information and put this information into a meaningful context. It's important to note that some of the best doctors and scientists in the world came from the 'Rote system', but they are the exception more than the rule. They succeeded in spite of their education, not because of it.

Broadly speaking it is a system of education that churns out engineers, teachers, doctors and so on, but who remain to some extent ignorant because they accept information as it is presented on the TV, or general media outlets. They are easy prey for governments wishing to brain - wash their population and retain their power. People who have been trained only to look at the surface of knowledge, not underlying causes and hidden agendas.

Little children who spend a whole day in repetition and writing, come home with more written and repetitive homework. It takes a committed effort on the part of parents to provide creative and stimulating outlets for their children to beat the system.

How beautiful marriage is in Islam


People take being married for granted. When youth today are faced with the questions concerned with marriage they become scared ...

But marriage in Islam is nothing to be scared of because it helps us with our din. 

Actually marriage helps us as youth stay away from premarrital temptations and getting caught up in zina. Al-hamdu-lillah that he has brought us something, Most Gracious Most Merciful, because he knows we as slaves get caught up
in the flesh and start to do things like those in the Western Countries. 

The Muslim family is one of the most important things dealing with this din. We are judged by how we raise and take care of our families.

If we as Muslims plant the seeds in our chilldren Allah will guide them to the right path. The offspring we produce can determine our place in Junnah. But everything is descended from a strong foundation and if

all the rules are followed from the Qur'an and Sunnah and all things created fear Allah We as Muslims will be guaranteed a successful marriage.

This Message is to You O Concealed Jewel, O Protected Rose !


It is to you, the Cultivator of Generations, Producer or Great Men.

I will point out in it some of what Islam requires of the individual and the society concerning the rights of
women .....


1. Have you seen the Jewel? Why is it that the people love it while it is simply a piece of stone? It is because it is not so easy to see it, nor can you touch it except by paying an exorbitant price. Similar is the case of the woman – it is forbidden for a man to see her or touch her, in order that he does not dishonor her. She is like an untouched (pure) jewel, which is affected by the least touch.

2. Have you seen how a rose wilts, withers, and loses it luster and beauty if it is touched too much. Likewise, the woman is not allowed to be touched except by one in a lawful relationship of marriage. And whoever attempts to touch her – unlawfully – will earn a severe punishment or death.

3. Do you know the punishment for one who violates the marriage trust and cheats on his wife? The penalty is death, since he has fallen short in regards to the jewel which is with him, in addition to transgressing the rights of others.

4. Have you seen a jewel searching for a person (to possess it)? The same is the case of the women, like a precious jewel, she is the one who is sought out, not the seeker. It is incumbent upon the man to seek her hand. And if she agrees to marry him, then he will present to her a marriage dowry and something from his wealth.

5. Consider the Ruler or Head of State – if every one were able to speak to him directly and sit in his presence, he wouldn't be held in awe, nor possess the same prestige and status amongst the people that he has. Similarly, the woman is like a noble Queen. It is not the right of every person to speak to her directly or sit in her presence; this is something allowed to the select few.

6. The Supreme Being has created the male strong of body in order that he may go out and earn his livelihood, even in difficult circumstances. This is so that he may serve the women and children of his family. As for the woman, she has been created gentle, soft and sensitive, so that she may cultivate the future generations. The man goes out and works with the natural elements, while the woman deals with the human being (raising the children).

7. What do you think would happen if a lion and gazelle were placed together in one place? Is it possible for them to co-exist? Obviously not! Likewise, it is of necessity that the man be separated from the woman, in the interest of the woman. She is beautiful, attractive and weak. Hence, the strong will overcome her and devour her and violate her chastity – even if she were not willing.

8. The woman who performs work equal to the work of a man is entitled to – and is given – the same salary as the man.

9. The woman is allowed to work in any occupation, which
she is capable of, as long as it is in consonance with the nature of her delicate physique.

10. The woman – like man - is addressed in the divine revelation with responsibilities for which she - like man - is equally rewarded.

11. The woman is excused from certain religious ceremonies and obligations during her post-child birth and menstrual periods, since these conditions are a cause of weakness and hence, she is in need of rest and relaxation.

12. If a woman dies while giving birth to a child, she is rewarded with the highest station in Paradise.

13. The person who is killed while defending his mother, wife, daughter or sister will be rewarded with the highest station in Paradise.

14. It is permissible for a woman to seek a separation from her husband if he has failed to fulfill her marital rights.

15. Is there anything more valuable to the human being than his life? Indeed, the honor and dignity of women is more valuable, precious and important to the Muslim than his own life.

16. It is permissible for the woman to remarry – whomever she desires – if he is divorced from her husband or widowed.

17. If a woman possesses wealth, she is free to use it in any lawful way, without permission of anyone [father, husband or others].

18. The woman has the right to the inheritance of her relative – at the time of his death – even if he does not desire that she receive it.

19. It is obligatory upon the man to spend his wealth for the maintenance – housing, food, etc. – of those under his care including his mother, wife or daughter, even if he doesn't desire to do so.

20. The mother has been given preference over the father – three times over – concerning their right to kindness and benevolence from their children.

22. Whoever truly desires paradise – Know that paradise lies at the feet of the mother, for the one who pleases her.

23. Whoever has daughters and treats them well – they will be a cause of him being screened from the hell-fire.

23. If a man kills a woman intentionally, he no longer deserves to live and will be killed, even if the victim was his wife.

24. The Messenger of Allah – Blessings of Allah and Peace be Upon him – advised concerning the woman:
Treat the women well. He also said: The best of you are those who are the best in the treatment of their
.He also said: No one honors the woman except an honorable man. And no one humiliates her or holds her in contempt except one who is evil, vile, wicked and

With these words I address you – as someone of intelligence:

Is there any greater Honor than this?

How to make your Wife happy ?


The following is a summary of the book "How to make your wife happy by Sheikh Mohammed Abdelhaleem Hamed.

Beautiful Reception

After returning from work,
school, travel, or whatever has separated you:

  • Begin with a good
  • Start with Assalamau 'Aliaykum
    and a smile. Salam is a sunnah and a du'aa for her as well.
  • Shake her hand and leave
    bad news for later!

Sweet Speech and
Enchanting Invitations

  • Choose words that are
    positive and avoid negative ones.
  • Give her your attention when
    you speak of she speaks.
  • Speak with clarity and
    repeat words if necessary until she understands.
  • Call her with the nice names
    that she likes, e.g. my sweet-heart, honey, saaliha, etc.

Friendliness and

  • Spend time talking together.
  • Spread to her goods news.
  • Remember your good memories

Games and

  • Joking around & having a
    sense of humor.
  • Playing and competing with
    each other in sports or whatever.
  • Taking her to watch
    permissible (halal) types of entertainment.
  • Avoiding prohibited (haram)
    things in your choices of entertainment. 

Assistance in the

  • Doing what you as an
    individual can/like to do that helps out, especially if she is sick or
  • The most important thing is
    making it obvious that he appreciates her hard work.

Consultation (Shurah)

  • Specifically in family
  • Giving her the feeling that
    her opinion is important to you.
  • Studying her opinion
  • Be willing to change an
    opinion for hers if it is better.
  • Thanking her for helping him
    with her opinions. 

Visiting Others

  • Choosing well raised people
    to build relations with. There is a great reward in visiting relatives and
    pious people. (Not in wasting time while visiting!)
  • Pay attention to ensure
    Islamic manners during visits.
  • Not forcing her to visit
    whom she does not feel comfortable with. 

Conduct During Travel

  • Offer a warm farewell and
    good advice.
  • Ask her to pray for him.
  • Ask pious relatives and
    friends to take care of the family in your absence.
  • Give her enough money for
    what she might need.
  • Try to stay in touch with
    her whether by phone, e-mail, letters, etc..
  • Return as soon as possible.
  • Bring her a gift!
  • Avoid returning at an
    unexpected time or at night.
  • Take her with you if

Financial Support

  • The husband needs to be
    generous within his financial capabilities. He should not be a miser with
    his money (nor wasteful).
  • He gets rewards for all what
    he spends on her sustenance even for a small piece of bread that he feeds
    her by his hand (hadeith).
  • He is strongly encouraged to
    give to her before she asks him.

Smelling Good and
Physical Beautification

  • Following the Sunnah in
    removing hair from the groin and underarms.
  • Always being clean and neat.
  • Put on perfume for her.


  • It is obligatory to do it
    habitually if you have no excuse (sickness, etc.)
  • Start with "Bismillah"
    and the authentic du'a.
  • Enter into her in the proper
    place only (not the anus).
  • Begin with foreplay
    including words of love.
  • Continue until you have
    satisfied her desire.
  • Relax and joke around
  • Avoid intercourse during the
    monthly period because it haram
  • Do what you can to avoid
    damaging her level of Hiyaa (shyness and modesty) such as taking your
    clothes together instead of asking her to do it first while he is looking
  • Avoid positions during
    intercourse that may harm her such as putting pressure on her chest and
    blocking her breath, especially if you are heavy.
  • Choose suitable times for
    intercourse and be considerate as sometimes she maybe sick or exhausted.

Guarding Privacy

Avoid disclosing private
information such as bedroom secrets, her personal problems and other private

Aiding in the
Obedience to Allah

  • Wake her up in the last
    third of the night to pray "Qiyam-ul-Layl" (extra prayer done at
    night with long sujood and ruku'ua).
  • Teach her what you know of
    the Qur'an and its tafseer.
  • Teach her "Dhikr"
    (ways to remember Allah by the example of the prophet) in the morning and
  • Encourage her to spend money
    for the sake of Allah such as in a charity sale.
  • Take her to Hajj and Umrah
    when you can afford to do so. 

Showing Respect for
her Family and Friends

  • Take her to visit her family
    and relatives, especially her parents.
  • Invite them to visit her and
    welcome them.
  • Give them presents on
    special occasions.
  • Help them when needed with
    money, effort, etc..
  • Keep good relations with her
    family after her death if she dies first. Also in this case the husband is
    encouraged to follow the sunnah and keep giving what she used to give in her
    life to her friends and family. 

(Islamic) Training
& Admonition

This includes:

  • The basics of Islam
  • Her duties and rights
  • Reading and writing
  • Encouraging her to attend
    lessons and halaqahs
  • Islamic rules (ahkam)
    related to women
  • Buying Islamic books and
    tapes for the home library 

Admirable Jealousy

  • Ensure she is wearing proper
    hijab before leaving house.
  • Restrict free mixing with
    non-mahram men.
  • Avoiding excess jealousy.

    Examples of this are:

        1- Analyzing every word and sentence she says and
    overloading her speech by meanings that she did    not mean

        2- Preventing her from going out of the house when the
    reasons are just.

        3- Preventing her from answering the phone.

Patience and Mildness

  • Problems are expected in
    every marriage so this is normal. What is wrong is excessive responses and
    magnifying problems until a marital breakdown.
  • Anger should be shown when
    she exceeds the boundaries of Allah SWT, by delaying prayers, backbiting,
    watching prohibited scenes on TV, etc..
  • Forgive the mistakes she
    does to you.

Correcting her Mistakes

  • First, implicit and explicit
    advice several times.
  • Then by turning your back to
    her in bed (displaying your feelings). Note that this does not include
    leaving the bedroom to another room, leaving the house to another place, or
    not talking with her.
  • The last solution is lightly
    hitting (when allowable) her. In this case, the husband should consider the
  • He should know that sunnah
    is to avoid beating as the Prophet PBUH never beat a woman or a servant.
  • He should do it only in
    extreme cases of disobedience, e.g. refusing intercourse without cause
    frequently, constantly not praying on time, leaving the house for long
    periods of time without permission nor refusing to tell him where she had
    been, etc..
  • It should not be done
    except after having turned from her bed and discussing the matter with her
    as mentioned in Qur'an .
  • He should not hit her hard
    injuring her, or hit her on her face or on sensitive parts of her body.
  • He should avoid shaming
    her such as by hitting her with a shoe, etc.

Pardoning and
Appropriate Censure

  • Accounting her only for
    larger mistakes.
  • Forgive mistakes done to him
    but account her for mistakes done in Allah's rights, e.g. delaying prayers,
  • Remember all the good she
    does whenever she makes a mistake.
  • Remember that all humans err
    so try to find excuses for her such as maybe she is tired, sad, having her
    monthly cycle or that her commitment to Islam is growing.
  • Avoid attacking her for the
    bad cooking of the food as the Prophet PBUH never blamed any of his wives
    for this. If he likes the food, he eats and if he doesn't then he does not
    eat and does not comment.
  • Before declaring her to be
    in error, try other indirect approaches that are more subtle than direct
  • Escape from using insults
    and words that may hurt her feelings.
  • When it becomes necessary to
    discuss a problem wait until you have privacy from others.
  • Waiting until the anger has
    subsided a bit can help to keep a control on your words.

Finally, please
make Du'a for the writer; Sheikh Mohammad Abdelhaleem Hamed, for the translator
brother Abu Talhah and for reviewer Br. Adam Qurashi. Remember this is not a
perfect translation so forgive us our faults and correct our errors. Muslim
Students' Association University of Alberta Edmonton, Canada February, 1999

Taken from :

The Phoenix will once again rise from the ashes


Contributed by : Ahmad Shams

" I am a Muslim man who was born and raised in the United States by parents who are natives of Egypt. I have seen the way Muslim immigrants in this country teach their children about Islam, and I must say that I disagree with it ..... "

I hold firm belief that the reason for the decrepit state of Muslims in the world today is due to the deviation we have taken from the Sunnah of Mohammed, (pbuh) in the teaching and communication of the word of Allah. I have seen many children of Muslim immigrants completely stray from Islam once they are out on their own.

The reason, I believe, is that they have not been taught Islam in accordance with the manner Mohammed (pbuh) taught it. When Mohammed (pbuh) taught Islam, he started by first working to strengthen the faith in Allah and Islam by his people. Once they had this, only then could they ever be expected to follow the commandments of Islam. Today, Islam is imposed upon our children and new converts in a manner similar to the way a new inmate in a penitentiary is informed of the rules of their new life.

This cannot work for an adolescent Muslim living in Topeka, Kansas and going to public school with no other Muslims in sight.
They are given little explanation as to why they have to follow certain rules, other than, ‘if you don’t, you will be eternally condemned to hellfire.’

The Western thought that our children are exposed to teaches them to not simply accept things as they are, but rather to require explanation. These people are then left with one of two fates, to seek knowledge in other areas, which I believe will increase their Iman -faith-, or to abandon Islam completely.

Unfortunately I have seen the latter occure more frequently. Without a true faith in something, especially religion, one cannot ever be a model teacher and fractioned of it. For us to believe that our children will just have unquestionable faith in religion to start with, and that all is needed is for them, is to be given the rules, is ridiculous. Mohammed (pbuh) would never agree with this ‘just add water’ philosophy, for this is not his Sunnah.

In the United States today, the voice of Muslims is not heard. In the political arena, Muslims are overlooked and rarely heard from. With the coming of age of the first large group of Muslim Americans who are natives of this country, (mostly sons and daughters of immigrants) lie our greatest opportunity for global advancement.

A Muslim of this sort who possesses true Iman can be one of the most powerful tools of Allah ever used. An American-born Muslim who possesses true Iman in Islam today is battle tested.

They have fought a society and way of life which makes becoming a Mu’min very difficult. Herein lies a person who is an indestructible tool for the cause of Allah. Although they may not yet live as the followers of Prophet Mohammed (pbuh) did, they will never be the Imam who has the entire Quran memorized, only to be caught driving drunk after hours.

They may not yet pray five times a day or wear Hijab, but the Iman they possess is unshakable because to achieve that Iman they have gained much knowledge of almost everything, and Islam is their answer to all of the mysteries of the world. Islam is the explanation to all of the ambiguousness and confusion they have met in their lives. I believe that, once these people reach this point, the rest will come with much ease, and they will become true examples of what a Muslim should be. Within this country, in my opinion, grow the next great leaders of Islam who will be equipped with the qualities that will make them some of the best soldiers of Allah ever seen. I think that we must nurture them and allow them to find Allah by themselves, and we will find that they will eventually become excellent examples of true Muslimeen.

[10 Tips] How to be a Successful Husband


1. Dress up for your wife, look clean and smell good.When was the last time us men went shopping for designer pajamas? Just like the husband wants his wife to look nice for him, she also wants her husband to dress up for her too. Remember that Rasul Allah - sal Allahu alayhi wa sallam - would always start with Miswak when returning home and always loved the sweetest smells.

2. Use the cutest names for your wife. Rasul Allah - sal Allahu alayhi wa sallam - had nicknames for his wives, ones that they loved. Call your wife by the most beloved names to her, and avoid using names that hurt their feelings.

3. Don't treat her like a fly. We never think about a fly in our daily lives until it 'bugs' us. Similarly, a wife will do well all day -
which brings no attention from the husband - until she does something to 'bug' him. Don't treat her like this; recognize all the good that she does and focus on that.

4. If you see wrong from your wife, try being silent and do not comment! This is one of the ways Rasul Allah - sal Allahu alayhi wa
sallam - used when he would see something inappropriate from his wives - radi Allahu 'anhunn. It's a technique that few Muslim men have mastered.

5. Smile at your wife whenever you see her and embrace her often. Smiling is Sadaqah and your wife is not exempt from the Muslim Ummah. Imagine life with her constantly seeing you smiling. Remember also those Ahadith when Rasul Allah - sal Allahu alayhi wa sallam - would kiss his wife before leaving for Salah, even if he was fasting.

6. Thank her for all that she does for you. Then thank her again! Take for example a dinner at your house. She makes the food, cleans the home, and a dozen other tasks to prepare. And sometimes the only acknowledgement she receives is that there needed to be more salt in the soup. Don't let that be; thank her!

7. Ask her to write down the last ten things you did for her that made her happy. Then go and do them again. It may be hard to recognize what gives your wife pleasure. You don't have to play a guessing game, ask her and work on repeating those times in your life.

8. Don't be little her desires. Comfort her. Sometimes the men may look down upon the requests of their wives. Rasul Allah - sal Allahu alayhi wa sallam set the example for us in an incident when Safiyyah - radi Allahu 'anha - was crying because, as she said, he had put her on a slow camel. He wiped her tears, comforted her, and brought her the camel.

9. Be humorous and Play games with your wife. Look at how Rasul Allah - sal Allahu alayhi wa sallam - would race his wife Aisha - radi Allahu 'anha - in the desert. When was the last time we did something like that?

10. Always remember the words of Allah's Messenger - sal Allahu alayhi wa sallam: "The best of you are those who treat their families the best. And I am the best amongst you to my family." Try to be the best!

In conclusion: Never forget to make Dua to Allah - azza wa jall - to make your marriage successful. And Allah ta'ala knows best !!

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Ruling on saying Sabaah al-khayr (Good morning) and Masa’ al-khayr (good evening)


What is the ruling on saying Sabaah al-khayr (Good morning) and Masa’ al-khayr (good evening)?.

Praise be to Allaah.

We do not know of there being anything wrong with that, but
it should be said after starting with the salaam and after the prescribed
response, if the person was greeted with salaam. 

And Allaah is the Source of strength; may Allaah send
blessings and peace upon our Prophet Muhammad and his family and companions.
End quote. 

Standing Committee for Academic Research and Issuing Fatwas 

Shaykh ‘Abd al-‘Azeez ibn ‘Abd-Allaah ibn Baaz, Shaykh
‘Abd-Allaah ibn Ghadyaan, Shaykh ‘Abd-Allaah ibn Qa’ood. 

Fataawa al-Lajnah al-Daa’imah li’l-Buhooth al-‘Ilmiyyah
wa’l-Ifta (24/115). 

The Standing Committee was also asked: 

Here in Egypt we customarily greet people in the morning by
saying Sabaah al-khayr ya fulaan (Good morning, O So and so).
What is the ruling on this greeting in Islam? 


Praise be to Allaah. 

The greeting of Islam is al-salaamu ‘alaykum (peace be
upon you). If the words wa rahmat-Allaah wa barakaatuhu (and the
mercy of Allaah and His blessings) are added, that is better. If he says
after that to the one whom he meets, Sabaah al-khayr (Good morning),
for example, there is nothing wrong with that. But if the greeting upon
meeting is limited to saying Sabaah al-khayr, without saying
Al-salaamu alaykum, that is bad. 

And Allaah is the Source of strength; may Allaah send
blessings and peace upon our Prophet Muhammad and his family and companions.
End quote. 

Standing Committee for Academic Research and Issuing Fatwas 

Fataawa al-Lajnah al-Daa’imah li’l-Buhooth al-‘Ilmiyyah
wa’l-Ifta (24/119).

When do the rulings on an adolescent girl begin to apply to a little girl?


With regard to little girls, when should we not greet them with salaam, and start to lower our gaze and not look at them – from what age?.

Praise be to Allaah.

The scholars are
unanimously agreed that it is haraam to look at a little girl or shake hands
with her if that is accompanied by desire and pleasure. But if there is no
desire, then some of the fuqaha’ stated a guideline of when the girl reaches
an age at which she would normally become desirable. When she reaches this
age, it becomes haraam to look at her and shake hands with her. If she has
not reached an age at which she has become desirable, then there is nothing
wrong with shaking hands with her and looking at her. This is the view of
the Maalikis, and is the more correct view according to the Shaafa’is. 

The Hanafis and Hanbalis
set as a guideline the age of ten years. They said that when the little girl
reaches the age of ten, her ‘awrah becomes like that of a free adult woman,
so it is not permissible to look at her or touch her or shake hands with

It says in al-Mawsoo’ah
al-Fiqhiyyah al-Kuwaitiyyah (31/52): 

The Hanafis are of the view
that up to the age of ten, the ‘awrah of the young boy or young girl is that
which is regarded as the extreme ‘awrah of the adult, and after that age the
‘awrah is the same as an adult’s. 

The Maalikis narrated that
for a girl who is seen as desirable, her ‘awrah is the same as that of an
adult woman with regard to looking and washing. 

The more correct view
according to the Shaafa’is is that it is permissible to look at a little
girl who is not seen as desirable, apart from the private part, which it is
not permissible to look at. 

The Hanbalis said: if the
small child is female and ten years old, then her ‘awrah with regard to
non-mahram men is her entire body. End quote. 

See: Haashiyat Ibn
‘Aabideen (1/407, 408); al-Bahr al-Raa’iq by Ibn Nujaym al-Hanafi
(1/285); Mughni al-Muhtaaj (3/130); Haashiyat al-‘Adawi
(1/185, 336); Kashshaaf al-Qinaa’ (1/266); al-Mughni (7/462). 

Shaykh Ibn ‘Uthaymeen (may
Allaah have mercy on him) favoured the view that she comes under the same
ruling as an adult woman when she reaches an age at which she becomes
desirable, even if she has not reached the age of ten. 

He (may Allaah have mercy
on him) said: There is no ruling on the ‘awrah of a little girl, and she
does not have to cover her face, neck, hands and feet, and the little girl
should not be obliged to do that, but when the girl reaches an age where men
may be attracted to her and desire her, then she should observe hijab so as
to ward off fitnah and evil. That varies from one woman to another; some of
them may develop quickly and look mature, and others may be the opposite.
End quote. 

See also the answer to
question no. 20475 and

And Allaah knows best.

Is it obligatory to respond to the broadcaster when he says salaam on TV or radio?


When the presenter of a programme on television or radio says salaam, are we sinning if we do not respond to the salaam in this case?.

Praise be to Allaah.

If the broadcast is live, then it is prescribed to return the
salaam, because of the general meaning of the evidence which shows that it
is obligatory to return the greeting of salaam. But it is a communal
obligation, so if some people do it, it is waived for the rest. 

But if it is recorded, it is not obligatory to return the
greeting in this case. 

Al-Nawawi said in al-Adhkaar (p. 247): 

Imam Abu Sa’d al-Mutawalli and others said: If someone calls
out to someone else from behind a screen or a wall and says, Peace be upon
you, O So and so, or he writes a letter in which he says: Peace be upon you,
O So and so, or Peace be upon So and so, or he sends a messenger and says:
Give greetings of salaam to So and so, and the letter or messenger conveys
that, it is obligatory for him to return the greeting. Similarly, al-Waahidi
and others stated that it is obligatory for the one to whom the letter was
written to return the salaam when it reaches him. End quote. 

Shaykh Ibn Baaz (may Allah have mercy on him) was asked: 

If the writer says in his article in a newspaper or magazine,
or an author says in his book, or a broadcaster says on the radio or
television: Al-salaamu ‘alaykum wa rahmat-Allahi wa barakaatuhu (peace be
upon you and the mercy of Allah and His blessings), does the listener have
to return the greeting on the basis that returning the greeting is

He replied: 

Returning the greeting in cases such as this is a communal
obligation, because he is greeting a large audience, so it is sufficient for
some of them to return it, although it is better if each Muslim who hears it
returns the greeting because of the general meaning of the evidence. End

Majmoo’ Fataawa Ibn Baaz

Shaykh Saalih al-Fawzaan was asked: 

If the broadcaster on television or radio, or the writer in a
magazine, says salaam, is it obligatory to return the greeting in this

He replied: 

It is obligatory to return the salaam if one hears it
directly or through a letter that is addressed to him, or via media
addressed to the listeners, because of the general meaning of the evidence
that returning the salaam is obligatory. End quote. 

Al-Muntaqa min Fataawa al-Fawzaan,

Shaykh Ibn ‘Uthaymeen (may Allah have mercy on him) did not
go so far as to say that it is obligatory to return the salaam because the
greeter cannot hear the response, but he said: (The greeting) should be
returned so as to be on the safe side. 

He was asked (may Allah have mercy on him): 

What is the ruling if the Muslim hears the broadcaster or
Shaykh saying salaam? Does he have to return the salaam? 

The Shaykh said: Is it a live broadcast? 

Questioner: Yes, he is listening to the Shaykh or broadcaster
on the radio. 

Shaykh: Sometimes it is recorded; they put it on a tape and
broadcast it. If it is recorded, then you do not have to return the
greeting, because this is just transmission of sound. But if it is not
recorded and it is live, then I may or may not say that it is obligatory. If
I say that it is obligatory, the basic principle is that this is a greeting
to everyone who hears his words, so they have to respond to it. But if I say
that it is not obligatory, that is because the one who gives the greeting
cannot hear the response and does not expect it either. The one who says
salaam in a broadcast does not expect the people to respond to him. But to
be on the safe side, we should return the greeting and say, Wa ‘alayka
al-salaam (and upon you be peace). 

Questioner: Is that more on the safe side, O Shaykh? 

Shaykh: That is more on the safe side, but it is not
obligatory. End quote. 

Liqa’ al-Baab al-Maftooh, 28/229.

Ruling on giving and returning salaams in public washrooms


Is it wrong to answer salam in big public bathrooms as long as one is not in the stalls/answering the call of nature?.

Praise be to Allaah.

The fuqaha’ are agreed that it is makrooh to give salaams to
someone who is relieving himself, and it is also makrooh for him to respond.
It was narrated that Abu’l-Jahm al-Ansaari (may Allaah be pleased with him)
said: The Messenger of Allaah (blessings and peace of Allaah be upon him)
came from the direction of Bi’r Jamal and was met by a man who greeted him
with salaam. The Messenger of Allaah (blessings and peace of Allaah be upon
him) did not return the greeting until he went to a wall and wiped his face
and hands, then he returned the greeting.

Narrated by al-Bukhaari (no. 337) and Muslim (no. 369). 

And it was narrated from Ibn ‘Umar that a man passed by when
the Messenger of Allaah (blessings and peace of Allaah be upon him) was
urinating. He greeted him, but he did not return the greeting. Narrated by
Muslim (no. 370).  

And it was narrated from al-Muhaajir ibn Qunfudh that he came
to the Prophet (blessings and peace of Allaah be upon him) when he was
urinating and he greeted him with salaam, but the Prophet (blessings and
peace of Allaah be upon him) did not return the greeting until he had done
wudoo’, then he apologised to him and said: “I do not like to mention
Allaah, may He be glorified and exalted, except in a state of purity.”
Narrated by Abu Dawood (17); classed as saheeh by Ibn Hajar in Nataa’ij
al-Afkaar, 1/205; and by al-Albaani in Saheeh Abi Dawood.  

Ibn al-Humaam al-Hanafi (may Allaah have mercy on him) said: 

They were unanimously agreed that the one who is defecating
is not obliged to return the greeting at that moment or afterwards, because
greeting him is haraam, unlike the one who is in the hamaam (i.e., bathing),
if he is wearing a waist wrapper. End quote.

Fath al-Qadeer, 1/248 

Al-Nawawi (may Allaah have mercy on him) said: 

Our companions said: It is makrooh to greet him [meaning the
one who is relieving himself], and if someone does greet him it does not
deserve a response, because of the hadeeths of Ibn ‘Umar and al-Muhaajir.
End quote. 

It says in al-Mawsoo’ah al-Fiqhiyyah (34/11): 

The Maalikis, Shafaa’is and Hanbalis are of the view that it
is makrooh to greet with salaam one who is defecating. The Hanafis also
regarded that as makrooh. Ibn ‘Aabideen said: What is meant by that also
includes urinating. He said: And it seems that this means it is haraam. End

Based on that: if a person enters a public washroom and does
not find anyone doing wudoo' at the sinks, it is makrooh for him to say
salaams to those who are in the stalls where people relieve themselves. But
if he finds that some of them have finished relieving themselves and have
started to do wudoo’ or to wash their hands in the places prepared for that,
there is nothing wrong with saying salaam to these people and they must
return the greeting. 

And Allaah knows best.

Ruling on greeting a Muslim with the words “peace be upon the one who follows true guidance”


What is the ruling on greeting a Muslim in this manner: Al-salaam ‘ala man attaba’a al-huda (peace be upon the one who follows true guidance)?.

Praise be to Allaah.

It is not permissible to greet a Muslim by saying “peace be
upon the one who follows true guidance”, because the Messenger only used
this greeting when he wrote to non-Muslims. When you greet your Muslim
brother you should say to him, al-salaamu ‘alaykum (peace be upon him). If
you say, Al-salaam ‘ala man attaba’a al-huda (peace be upon the one who
follows true guidance), what this implies is that this brother of yours is
not one of those who follow true guidance. If there is a group of Muslims
and Christians, then one should greet them in the usual manner by saying al-salaamu
‘alaykum, intending that to be addressed to the Muslims. End quote. 

Shaykh Muhammad ibn ‘Uthaymeen (may Allah have mercy on him) 

Fataawa al-‘Aqeedah, p. 237 

See also the answer to question number


Should one return salaams to a parrot?!


In my grandfather's house there is a real live parrot, and when I pass by it, it greets me and says ‘al-salaamu ‘alaykum”. In this case do I have to return the greeting of this bird?.

Praise be to Allaah.


Al-Fayyoomi (may Allah have mercy on him) said: 

The babgha’ (parrot) is a well-known bird. The word babgha’
may be masculine or feminine, and the plural is Babghawaat. 

Al-Misbaah al-Muneer fi Ghareeb al-Sharh al-Kabeer,


It seems that it is not prescribed to return the greeting of
a parrot which has learnt how to say salaams, because saying salaam is an
act of worship and a supplication which requires intention on the part of
the one who said it, and there is no such intention on the part of this
trained creature. So one should not return its greeting. The ruling is the
same as that on a tape on which the greeting is recorded and can be heard.
It is transmission of sound and does not come under the ruling on greeting
when it is broadcast live, in which  case returning the greeting is
prescribed and is a communal obligation (fard kifaayah). 

Shaykh Muhammad ibn Saalih al-‘Uthaymeen (may Allah have
mercy on him) said: 

Sometimes the greeting may be recorded and they put it on the
tape and run it. If it is recorded then you are not obliged to return the
greeting, because this is just transmission of sound. 

Liqa’ al-Bab al-Mmaftooh,

See the rest of the fatwa and details on this issue in the
answer to question number 128737. 

Based on that, the parrot does not intend to give the
greeting of salaam, because it does not possess the power of reason, and
when it speaks it is just repeating what it has been taught, without meaning
what it says. 

Some of the scholars have stated that it is not prescribed to
prostrate if one hears a verse from a parrot or from a recorded tape. 

One of the conclusions of the book Bahjat al-Asma‘ fi Ahkaam
al-Samaa‘ fi’l-Fiqh al-Islami by Prof. ‘Ali ibn Dhariyaan ibn Faaris
al-Hasan al-‘Anzi (published by Dar al-Manaar in Kuwait) is: 

The listener need not do the prostration of recitation if he
hears it from a source that is not human, such as a trained bird like a
parrot or hearing it from an echo. End quote. 

And Allah knows best.


Giving salaam is Sunnah when joining a gathering and when leaving it


Is there any hadeethth which shows that we have to give salaam when we part from our gathering? We know that we have to give salaam when we meet, but when we part do we have to give salaam too? Is there any hadeeth with regards to this?.

Praise be to Allaah.

If a man joins a gathering it is Sunnah for him to give
salaams to people in this gathering, and when he wants to get up and
leave, he should give them salaam once again before he leaves. That is
because of the report narrated by Abu Dawood (5208) and al-Tirmidhi
(2706), and classed as hasan by al-Tirmidhi; and also narrated by Ahmad
(7793) from Abu Hurayrah (may Allah be pleased with him) who said: The
Messenger of Allah (blessings and peace of Allah be upon him) said: “When
one of you comes to a gathering, let him say salaam, and when he wants to
leave let him say salaam, for the former is not more of a duty than the
latter.” Classed as saheeh by al-Albaani in Saheeh Abi Dawood and

Al-Mubaarakfoori (may Allah have mercy on him) said: 

Al-Teebi said: i.e., just as the first salaam was telling
them that they are safe from his evil when he was present, the second salaam
is telling them that they are safe from his evil when he is absent. Giving
salaam when joining the gathering is not more important than giving salaam
when leaving the gathering; rather the second is more important. End quote. 

Tuhfat al-Ahwadhi (2/402-403) 

Al-Nawawi (may Allah have mercy on him) said: 

The apparent meaning of this hadeeth is that it is obligatory
for the group to return the salaam of the one who gave them salaam and left
them. Imam al-Qaadi Husayn and his companion Abu Sa‘d al-Mutawalli said: The
custom among some people is to say salaam when leaving a gathering, and that
is a du‘aa’ (supplication) to which it is mustahabb to respond but is not
obligatory, because the greeting is only given when meeting and not when
parting. This is what they (these two scholars) said, but it was criticised
by Imam Abu Bakr al-Shaashi, the last of our companions, who said: This is
wrong, because giving salaam is Sunnah when leaving just as it is a Sunnah
when joining the gathering. This hadeeth proves that. And what al-Shaashi
said is the correct view. End quote. 

Al-Adhkaar, p. 258 

Shaykh Ibn ‘Uthaymeen (may Allah have mercy on him) said: 

In this hadeeth we see that when a man enters upon a
gathering, he should say salaam. And when he wants to leave and he gets up
to leave the gathering, he should also say salaam, because the Prophet
(blessings and peace of Allah be upon him) enjoined that and said: “for the
former is not more of a duty than the latter.”, i.e., just as when you say
salaam when you enter, you should also say salaam when you leave. Hence when
a person enters the mosque, he sends salaams upon the Prophet (blessings and
peace of Allah be upon him), and when he leaves he also sends blessings upon
him. And when he enters Makkah for ‘Umrah or Hajj, he should start with
tawaaf, and when he leaves Makkah he should end with tawaaf, because tawaaf
is the greeting for Makkah for the one who enters it for Hajj or ‘Umrah, and
it is bidding farewell to Makkah for the one who has done Hajj or ‘Umrah and
is now leaving. This is a sign of the perfection of sharee‘ah, because it
makes the beginning and the end the same in such matters as these. End

Sharh Riyaadh al-Saaliheen, p.

And Allah knows best.


Ruling on giving salaam whilst eating


Is it permissible to give Salam while you are eating?

Praise be to Allaah.

It is permissible to give salaam whilst eating, and there
is nothing in the Sunnah to indicate that it is not allowed. The wide
spread saying that there is no salaam whilst eating (“la salaam ‘ala
ta‘aam”) has no basis in Islam. 

Al-‘Ajlooni (may Allah have mercy on him) said in Kashf
al-Khafa’: [The phrase] “there is no salaam whilst eating” is not a
hadeeth. End quote. 

Some of the scholars stated that the expression referred to
above has a sound meaning, if what is meant is shaking hands or responding
to the greeting when a person has food in his mouth. 

Al-Nawawi (may Allah have mercy on him) said in al-Adhkaar:
An example of that is if a person is eating and has food in his mouth. If
someone greets him in this situation, he does not deserve an answer. But if
it is whilst he is eating but he does not have food in his mouth, then there
is nothing wrong with someone giving salaam, and he has to respond. End

Shaykh ‘Abd al-Rahmaan al-Suhaym (may Allah preserve him)
said: This expression is a saying among the people and it is not a hadeeth.
Its meaning is correct if what is meant is shaking hands, but with regard to
simply giving salaam, it is not disallowed when one is eating. End quote.

For more information please see question no.

And Allah knows best.

Is it permissible for a younger person to bow to an older person when greeting them?


Shirk in respect confuses me a lot! There is a tradition in my relatives that they bow a little in front of their elders, their elders keep their hand on their heads out of love, however, the young ones dont bow as much as one bows in Ruku. I have seen almost all people.

Praise be to Allaah.

It is not permissible to bow when meeting someone, whether he
is a scholar or anyone else. 

Shaykh al-Islam Ibn Taymiyah (may Allah have mercy on him)

With regard to bowing when greeting someone, it is forbidden
as is narrated in al-Tirmidhi from the Prophet (blessings and peace of Allah
be upon him); they asked him about a man who meets his brother, can he bow
to him? He said: “No.” And it is not permissible to bow or prostrate to
anyone except Allah, may He be glorified and exalted, even though that may
have been a form of greeting in other religions, as in the story of Yoosuf –
“…and they fell down before him prostrate. And
he said: ‘O my father! This is the interpretation of my dream aforetime!’”
[Yoosuf 12:100]. But in our religion it is not acceptable to bow or
prostrate to anyone except Allah; in fact it is also forbidden to stand as
the non-Arabs stand before one another, so how about bowing and prostrating?
Similarly, a partial bow is also included in this prohibition.

End quote from Majmoo‘ al-Fataawa, 1/377 

And he said: 

With regard to lowering the head when meeting prominent
figures such as shaykhs and so on, or kissing the ground and so on, these
are things concerning which there is no difference of opinion among the
imams that they are forbidden. In fact merely inclining the back to anyone
other than Allah, may He be glorified and exalted, is forbidden. In
al-Musnad and elsewhere it is narrated that when Mu‘aadh ibn Jabal came
back from Syria, he prostrated to the Prophet (blessings and peace of Allah
be upon him), who said: “What is this, O Mu‘aadh?” He said: O Messenger of
Allah, I saw them in Syria prostrating to their bishops and patriarchs, and
they narrated that from their Prophets. He said: “They are lying, O Mu‘aadh;
if I were to instruct anyone to prostrate to anyone else, I would have
instructed a woman to prostrate to her husband because of the greatness of
his rights over her. O Mu‘aadh, do you think that if you were to pass my
grave you would prostrate?” He said: No. He said: “Do not do that,” or words
to that effect. 

To sum up: standing, sitting, bowing and prostrating are due
only to the only One Who is deserving of worship, the Creator of the heavens
and the earth; with regard to that which is due only to Allah, no one should
have any share in it; this also applies to swearing by anything other than
Allah, may He be glorified and exalted.

End quote from Majmoo‘ al-Fataawa, 27/92, 93 

The scholars of the Standing Committee said: 

It is not permissible to bow when greeting or to take off
one’s shoes for him. 

And they said: 

It is not permissible to bow when greeting a Muslim or a
kaafir, whether with the upper part of the body or the head, because bowing
is a form of worship, and worship can only be for Allah alone. 

Shaykh ‘Abd al-‘Azeez ibn Baaz, Shaykh ‘Abd al-Razzaaq
‘Afeefi, Shaykh ‘Abd-Allah ibn Ghadyaan, Shaykh ‘Abd-Allah ibn Qa‘ood 

Fataawa al-Lajnah al-Daa’imah,
1/233, 234 

And Allah knows best.

Ruling on shaking hands with a Jewish or Christian man after meetings


Recently i got a job and work amongst alot of jewish people. As i have to attend meetings with these people i often end up shaking hands of jewish men is this allowed?? Some jewish men know i am muslim and therfore at times dont shake my hand and at those times i am happy.. But is it allowed to shake their hands or not, to show respect?.

Praise be to Allaah.

The saheeh Sunnah indicates that it is not permissible to
initiate the greeting with the Jews and Christians, as Muslim narrated in
his Saheeh (2167) from Abu Hurayrah (may Allah be pleased with him)
that the Messenger of Allah (blessing and peace of Allah be upon him) said:
““Do not initiate the greeting with the Jews or Christians.” 

The Sunnah indicates that we should respond to them when they
greet us, as al-Bukhaari (6257) and Muslim (2164) narrated from ‘Abdullah
ibn ‘Umar (may Allah be pleased with him) that the Messenger of Allah
(blessings and peace of Allah be upon him) said: “When the Jews greet you,
one of them says ‘al-saam ‘alaykum (death be upon you).’ So say: ‘wa
‘alayk (and also upon you).” [NB: The Jews of Madinah played with the
words to insult the Muslims] 

The same may also be said about shaking hands: we should not
initiate shaking hands with a kaafir, but if he holds his hand out, we shake
his hand. Shaykh Ibn ‘Uthaymeen (may Allah have mercy on him) said: Ibn
al-Qayyim (may Allah have mercy on him) said: If this reason no longer
applies, and the kitaabi (i.e., Jew or Christian) says, Peace be upon you
and the mercy of Allah [i.e., it is a sincere greeting], then fairness
dictates that we should respond with a similar greeting.

End quote from Ahkaam Ahl adh-Dhimmah, 1/200 

In Saheeh al-Bukhaari it is narrated from Ibn ‘Umar
(may Allah be pleased with him) that the Prophet (blessings and peace of
Allah be upon him) said: “When the Jews greet you, they say, ‘as-saam
‘alaykum (death be upon you),’ so say, ‘And also upon you.’” If he holds
his hand out to you, then reach out and shake his hand, otherwise do not
initiate it.” End quote. 

For the quotation in full, please see the answer to question
no. 43154. See also question
no. 59879. 

And Allah knows best.

Delaying prayer until night-time because of work


Many workers delay Zuhr and ‘Asr prayers until night-time, giving the excuse that they are too busy at work or that their clothes are najis (impure) or not clean. What advice can you give them?

Praise be to Allaah.


It is not permissible for a Muslim man or woman to delay an
obligatory prayer beyond the proper time, rather every accountable Muslim
man and woman is obliged to perform the prayers on time as much as they

Work is not an excuse for delaying prayer, neither is
impurity on clothes or clothes being dirty. None of these are acceptable

People should be excused from work at prayer times; at the
time of prayer a worker has to wash the impurity from his clothes, or change
into clean clothes. As for regular dirt (as opposed to impurities), this
does not prevent one from praying in those clothes, so long as that dirt is
not impure and does not have an offensive smell that would bother other
worshippers. But if the dirt or its smell will bother others, then he has to
wash it before praying, or change into clean clothes so that he can pray in

 It is permissible for those who have legitimate shar’i
excuses, such as those who are sick or are travelling, to combine Zuhr and
‘Asr at the time of either of them, and to combine Maghrib and ‘Isha’ at the
time of either of them.

 This was narrated in the saheeh Sunnah of the Prophet
(peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him). It is also permissible to join prayers when there is heavy rain or mud, which cause difficulty for people.

He loves da’wah but he had a disturbing dream


I hope you could help me out with this confusion,I had prayed Istikhara namaz 5 days back.I asked ALLAH if I would be able to convert a non-muslim to a muslim and guide him to the wright path for my love for islam and ALLAH,I am very obsessed with this because it's my dying wish that i should be able to do this atleast once in my lifetime,because i love ALLAH dearly and with all my heart.I had prayed istikhra namaz asking ALLAH if I will ever be successful in executing this dream into reality,I also asked if he would guide me.

but today morning i had a bad dream .

I don't know what this means,shuld i believe in the dream or should I listen to my heart.

Praise be to Allaah.


We ask Allaah to make you steadfast in your efforts to fulfil
the duty of calling people to Allaah and in your keenness to spread good.
Your love of good and your efforts to spread it indicate that you are a good
person, in sha Allah. We ask Allaah that you will be included in His words
(interpretation of the meaning): 

“You (true believers in Islamic Monotheism, and real
followers of Prophet Muhammad and his Sunnah) are the best of peoples ever
raised up for mankind; you enjoin Al-Ma‘roof (i.e. Islamic Monotheism and
all that Islam has ordained) and forbid Al‑Munkar (polytheism, disbelief and
all that Islam has forbidden), and you believe in Allaah”

[Aal ‘Imraan 3:110] 

Your saying that you love
Allaah is the characteristic of those whom Allaah loves, of whom He says
(interpretation of the meaning): 

“a people whom He will love and they will love Him”

[al-Maa'idah 5:54] 

Whoever loves Allaah sincerely, Allaah will love him. The
Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said:
“Whoever loves to meet Allaah, Allaah loves to meet him.” (Narrated by
al-Bukhaari, 6507; Muslim, 2683). 

Al-Bukhaari (7375) and Muslim (813) narrated from ‘Aa’ishah
(may Allaah be pleased with her) that the Prophet (peace and blessings
of Allaah be upon him) sent a man on a campaign; when he led his companions
in prayer, he used to end his recitation with Qul Huwa Allaah Ahad.
When they came back, they mentioned that to the Prophet (peace and
blessings of Allaah be upon him). He told them, ‘Ask him why he does that.”
He said, “Because it speaks of the Most Merciful and I love to recite it.”
The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said, “Tell him
that Allaah loves him.” This man loved the attributes of Allaah, so Allaah
loved him. 

If you want to know how sincere your love for Allaah is, then
examine yourself in the light of the following verse, in which Allaah says
(interpretation of the meaning): 

“Say (O Muhammad to mankind): If you (really) love Allaah,
then follow me (i.e. accept Islamic Monotheism,
follow the Qur’aan and the Sunnah),
Allaah will love you and forgive you your sins”

[Aal ‘Imraan 3:31] 

i.e., follow the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah
be upon him). 

If Allaah loves you, you may receive the glad tidings of
great goodness. Allaah says in a hadeeth qudsi: “Whoever shows enmity to
someone devoted to Me, I shall be at war with him. My slave draws noy near
to Me with anything more beloved to Me than the religious duties I have
enjoined on him, and My slave continues to draw near to Me with
supererogatory works so that I shall love him. When I love him I am his
hearing with which he hears, his seeing with which he sees, his hand with
which he strikes and his foot with which he walks. Were he to ask something
of Me, I would surely give it to him, and were he to ask Me for refuge, I
would surely grant him it. I do not hesitate about anything so much as I
hesitate about [seizing] the soul of My faithful slave: he hates death and I
hate hurting him.”

(Narrated by al-Bukhaari, 6502). 

The following are six benefits that a person gains by loving
Allaah, in order of importance: 

Allah becomes his hearing,
i.e., he does not listen to anything except that which pleases Allaah.

Allaah becomes his seeing,
i.e., he does not look at anything but that which pleases Allaah.

Allaah becomes his foot with
which he walks, i.e., he does not walk for anything except that which is
pleasing to Allaah,

Allaah becomes his hand with
which he strikes, i.e., he does not take revenge for himself but rather for
the sake of Allaah, so he does not do anything with his hand except that
which pleases Allaah.

Allaah answers his du’aa’s

Allaah grants him refuge from
everything that he dislikes. 

So congratulation to those whom Allaah loves, to the close
friends of Allaah, to the party of Allaah.  

“They are the party of Allaah. Verily, it is the party of
Allaah that will be the successful”

[al-Mujaadilah 58:22] 

With regard to
istikhaarah, it is prescribed when a person is thinking about doing
something, then he hesitates about it. But with regard the thing that you
are doing, namely calling people to Allaah, there is no need to pray
istikhaarah, rather you should go ahead and call people to Allaah with
wisdom and beautiful preaching. 

With regard to the bad dream that you saw, it is from the
Shaytaan. The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him)
taught us, if we see something good in our dreams, to tell those whom we
love about it, but if we see something bad, we should seek refuge with
Allaah from the Shaytaan and spit drily to the left three times, then turn
over onto the other side, and we should not pay attention to that bad dream.
See question no. 9577. 

Sleeping naked


Is there any prohibition on sleeping without clothes on, even if one is with one’s wife?

Please note that I do not mean during intercourse, rather I mean when going to sleep. May Allaah reward you with good.

Praise be to Allaah.


The ‘awrah must be covered in all circumstances except when
necessary, such as when bathing, having intercourse, relieving oneself, etc.
But when there is no reason, the ‘awrah must be covered, because of the
report narrated by Bahz ibn Hakeem from his father, from his grandfather,
who said: “O Messenger of Allaah, what should we do about our ‘awrahs?” He
said, “Guard you ‘awrah except from your wives and those whom your right
hand possesses (concubines).” He asked, “What about when a man is with
another man?” He said, “If you can manage not to let anyone see it, then do
that.” He asked, “What if one of us is alone?’ He said, “Allaah is more
deserving that you should feel shy before Him.” (Narrated by al-Tirmidhi,
2769, and others). 

Based on the above, it is not permissible for you to sleep
with no clothes on that would cover your ‘awrah, whether you are sleeping
with or without your wife. Rather it is permissible for you to uncover your
‘awrah only at times of necessity. And Allaah knows best.

Is it permissible to sleep with one’s feet towards the qiblah?


Is it allowed to sleep with legs directing towards Qibla.

Praise be to Allaah.


Shaykh Muhammad ibn Saalih al-‘Uthaymeen (may
Allaah have mercy on him) said: “There is no sin on a person if he sleep with his feet towards the Ka’bah, rather the fuqaha’ (may Allaah have
mercy on them) said: if a sick person cannot stand or sit, he should pray lying on his side with his face towards the qiblah, and if he cannot
then he should pray on his back with his feet towards the qiblah.” 

Fataawa Ibn ‘Uthaymeen,

And Allaah knows best.

Islam Q&A

Renewing wudoo’ before going to sleep


About the Hadeeth of the Prophet (PBUH) how we would make his Waduu for prayer before sleeping, if i still have Waduu from Salat Al-Ishaa, can I go to sleep with this Waduu, or should I do it again before I sleep?

Praise be to Allaah.


Doing wudoo’ before going to sleep is one of the things which
is it recommended to do before going to sleep. 

A hadeeth was narrated to this effect, in which the Prophet
(peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: “When you go to bed,
do wudoo’ as for prayer.” (Narrated by al-Bukhaari, 247; Muslim 2710). 

Ibn Hajar said: The apparent meaning is that it is mustahabb
for everyone who wants to go to sleep to renew his wudoo’, even if he
already has wudoo’. It may be interpreted as applying only to the one who
has broken his wudoo’. 

Al-Nawawi said: if a person has wudoo’, that is sufficient
for him, because the point is to go to sleep having wudoo’, lest he die in
his sleep, and so that he dreams will be more true, and so that the Shaytaan
will be less likely to play with his dreams and terrify him.

Islam Q&A

What is the ruling on listening to Qur’aan before going to sleep, whether from a cassette player or some other means?


What is the ruling on listening to Qur’aan before going to sleep, whether from a cassette player or some other means, so that the Muslim will end his day with remembrance of Allaah?.

Praise be to Allaah.


There is nothing wrong
with a Muslim listening to Qur’aan before he sleeps, or listening to a
lecture or anything permissible. Indeed it is narrated in the saheeh Sunnah
that among the adhkaar to be recited before going to sleep are some du’aa’s
and verses and soorahs from the Qur’aan. 

Al-Bukhaari said: 

Chapter: Seeking refuge with Allaah and reciting Qur’aan when
going to sleep 

It was narrated from ‘Aa’ishah (may Allaah be pleased with
her) that when the Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah
be upon him) went to bed, he would blow into his hands and recite the
Mu’awwadhaat, and wipe his body with them. 

Narrated by al-Bukhaari, 5960. 

It was narrated that Abu Hurayrah (may Allaah be pleased with
him) said: The Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be
upon him) appointed me to guard the zakaah of Ramadaan, and someone came and
started to rummage in the food. I took hold of him and said: “I am going to
take you to the Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be
upon him)”… And he said: “When you go to your bed, recite Aayat al-Kursi,
and you will have ongoing protection from Allaah and no devil will come near
you until morning comes.” The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be
upon him) said: “He spoke the truth even though he is a liar; that was a

Narrated by al-Bukhaari, 3101. 

Listening to Qur’aan before going to sleep and after, during
Ramadaan and at other times, instills tranquility in the heart and helps one
relax. Allaah says (interpretation of the meaning): 

“verily, in the remembrance of Allaah do hearts find rest”

[al-Ra’d 13:28] 

Using amulets, and how to deal with nightmares


A friend of mine when he was younger could not sleep as he used to get nightmares...he was taken by his father to a peer (a holy man) who made him a necklace with a little box thingy ? which appareblty contained holy scriptures? is this allowed in islam? & his is now 24 so what woudl you recommend for him to do to escape thes nighmares?.

Praise be to Allaah.



It is not permissible to go to fortunetellers and soothsayers
and other such charlatans. Whoever goes to them and asks them about
anything, his prayer will not be accepted for forty days, and whoever
believes their claim to have knowledge of the unseen or to be able to
relieve hardship and bring benefits is a kaafir, as it says in the saheeh
ahaadeeth narrated from the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be
upon him). 

It is not permissible to use turquoise (as a charm) and
amulets. A stern warning is used in the saheeh Sunnah to the one who does

It was narrated from ‘Uqbah ibn ‘Aamir al-Juhani that a group
of people came to the Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of
Allaah be upon him), and he accepted the allegiance of nine and refrained
from accepting the allegiance of one. They said: “O Messenger of Allaah, you
accepted the allegiance of nine and not this one.” He said: “He is wearing
an amulet.” He put his hand in and took it off, then he accepted his
allegiance, and said: “Whoever uses an amulet has committed shirk (has
associated partners with Allaah).” Narrated by Ahmad, 16969. This hadeeth
was classed as saheeh by Shaykh al-Albaani in al-Silsilah al-Saheehah,

In the answer to question
no. 10542 you will
find the details of the ahaadeeth which have been narrated concerning
amulets, and the rulings of the scholars on amulets containing verses from
the Qur’aan and amulets consisting of other things. 

In that answer, Shaykh Sulaymaan ibn ‘Abd al-Wahhaab is
quoted as saying: 

“This scholarly difference was concerning hanging up amulets
which contain Qur’aan or names and attributes of Allaah, so what do you
think about the things which were innovated later on, doing spells (ruqyah)
using the names of shayaateen (devils) and others and hanging them up, and
even being attached to those shayaateen, seeking refuge in them,
slaughtering animals for them, asking them to ward off harm and bring
benefits – actions which are pure shirk? This is prevalent among many of the
people, except for those whom Allaah keeps safe and sound.” 

And Shaykh Haafiz Hukmi said: 

If they (amulets) contain anything other than the two
revelations and instead contain mumbo-jumbo from the Jews or worshippers of
the temple, stars or angels, or those who use the services of the jinn,
etc., or they are made of pearls, strings, iron rings, etc., then this is
shirk, i.e., hanging them up or wearing them is shirk, beyond a doubt. 


In the answer to question no.
9577 you will find
some means of protection against nightmares and disturbing dreams. 

And Allaah knows best.